Needham March Merryness

2024 — Needham, MA/US

Freeze Improv

Abbreviation FZ
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Based on a random physical pose made up by the judge, two players create a scene together without conferring or preparing in advance. During the scene, the players must create (a) who they are, (b) what their relationship is, (c) what they want from each other, and (d) where they are. Players are encouraged to build a scene and a crisis together, accepting, using, and building upon each other’s ideas. After a scene has gone for at least 30 seconds, but before it reaches 60 seconds, the next person in line calls “FREEZE” and taps out one of the players. The newcomer begins a new scene based on the frozen positions. Once everyone in the round has performed once, then any player may yell “freeze” after 30 required seconds of performance time per scene. No props, costumes, or furniture are allowed. The time limit for the round is twenty minutes.