Rogue Valley Invitational at Crater High School

2024 — Central Point, OR/US


Abbreviation B: LD
Format Debate
Entry Fee $10.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Value Lincoln-Douglas Debate.
13.4.1. Team. In this debate form, there is only one speaker to a team. A speaker in this contest must be prepared
to debate both sides of the resolution.
13.4.2. Other events. A Value Lincoln-Douglas Debater may participate in up to two other Individual Events but
may not enter another Debate event.
13.4.3. Length and order of speeches.
Six Minutes Affirmative Constructive Speech
Three Minutes Negative Questions Affirmative
Seven Minutes Negative Constructive Speech
Three Minutes Affirmative Questions Negative
Four Minutes Affirmative Rebuttal
Six Minutes Negative Rebuttal
Three Minutes Affirmative Rebuttal
13.4.4. Preparation Time. Each Debater shall be allowed a maximum of four minutes preparation time to be used
at their discretion.
13.4.5. Number of District Entries. Each school may enter a maximum of three Value Lincoln-Douglas teams in
the District Tournament. In the absence of competing schools other than one, it shall be necessary to
declare a Speech State Championships Qualifier by default. Each Value Lincoln-Douglas entry counts
toward the maximum allowable quantity of individual event entries per school at the District Tournament.
13.4.6. Value Debate Topics.
(a) September 1 - October 31 - The September / October NSDA topic (published in September on the NSDA
website) shall be used.
(b) November 1 - December 31 - The November / December NSDA topic (published in October on the
NSDA website) shall be used.
(c) January 1 - February 28 (29) - The January / February NSDA topic (published in December on the NSDA
website) shall be used.
(d) March 1 - April 30 - The March / April NSDA topic (published in February on the NSDA website) shall
be used.
13.4.7. Other Rules. See General Debate Rules.