Rogue Valley Invitational at Crater High School

2024 — Central Point, OR/US


Abbreviation A: Rad
Format Speech
Entry Fee $10.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

13.17. Radio Commentary
13.17.1. Communication among judges during the round. Judges must make independent decisions. Judges shall
not discuss decisions with other judges prior to turning in ballots. Timekeepers may share the length of
a given speech only. If questions arise regarding the rules or conduct of an event, judges shall ask at
Speech State Championships headquarters.
13.17.2. Subject. The speech shall be an original news commentary dealing with current events of the current
school year.
13.17.3. Scripts. The script is to be an analysis of news, not simply a running synopsis of news. It is to be original
and written by the contestant. A copy of the manuscript, including the bibliography, must be available if
requested by the Speech State Championships Director at the District or Speech State Championships.
Failure to provide a manuscript if requested may be used as a basis for disqualification from the Speech
State Championships.
13.17.4. Quoted Material. The speaker may use no more than seventy-five quoted words including all short words
such as "a", "an", "the", etc.
13.17.5. Length. The script should be timed to end between 4:45 and 5:15 minutes. Any speaker ending before
4:45 minutes or after 5:15 minutes shall be disqualified.
No contestant may be disqualified if a stopwatch was not used for timing.
13.17.6. Procedure. Contestants shall be out of sight of the judges.
The script is to be read from a manuscript or printed page, and not committed to memory. It is not to be
acted nor highly dramatized.
13.17.7. Changing Speeches. The radio speech used at the District Tournament must also be used at the Speech
State Championships.
13.17.8. Bibliography. The script must include a bibliography of no fewer than two sources.