UHSAA Region 1

2024 — Farmington, UT/US


Abbreviation POL
Format Debate
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry Limit Per School 4
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Resolution: The resolution will be one requiring a policy judgment. The current national question will be used. Refer to www.speechanddebate.org/topics for the current topic.

Entries: An entry is comprised of two students from the same school; each debating both sides of the resolution and advancing on its own record. No substitution is permitted once the tournament has begun.

Order of Speeches: Each debater must give one and only one constructive speech, one period of questioning, one period of answering, and one rebuttal speech, in the following order:

Note: In 2020, the Board of Directors voted to increase each team's preparation time to eight minutes.

Affirmative Constructive Speech 8 minutes
Negative Cross Examines Affirmative 3 minutes
Negative Constructive Speech 8 minutes
Affirmative Cross Examines Negative 3 minutes
Affirmative Constructive Speech 8 minutes
Negative Cross Examines Affirmative 3 minutes
Negative Constructive Speech 8 minutes
Affirmative Cross Examines Negative 3 minutes
Negative Rebuttal 5 minutes
Affirmative Rebuttal 5 minutes
Negative Rebuttal 5 minutes
Affirmative Rebuttal 5 minutes
Prep time 8 minutes per team

Prompting Philosophy: Oral prompting, except time signals, either by the speaker's colleague or by any other person while the debater has the floor, is discouraged though not prohibited and may be penalized by some judges. Debaters may, however, refer to their notes and materials and may consult with their teammate while they do not have the floor.

Use of Electronic Devices: The use of internet-enabled devices and internet is permitted at the National Tournament. The use of internet-enabled devices and internet at the qualifying tournament will be the autonomous decision of each district. Laptop use must comply with the "Guidelines for Use of Internet-Enabled Devices in Debate Events."

Timing: Timekeepers are an option but not required. If no timekeeper is used, debaters may time for their partners or the judge may keep time. Prep time for each team is eight minutes

Tabroom judging rubric (UHSAA/UDCA Specific)

Judging guidelines:

  • Judges should decide the round as it is debated, not on personal beliefs.
  • Clash of ideas is essential to debate.
  • Debaters should display solid logic and reasoning, advocate a position, utilize evidence, and communicate clear ideas.

Speaker Points Rubric: 4-6 Points awarded in each area to total no less than 20

  • Clarity: arguments were presented in a manner that was clear and understandable to the judge
  • Delivery: presentation, style, poise, articulation/enunciation, and inflection are effective in delivering the arguments and responding to the opponent.
  • Evidence and Logic: cites credible sources and warrants claims accordingly that is relevant and supports claim/ideas, . The nature of proof should be in the logic and the ethos of a student’s independent analysis and/or authoritative opinion.
  • Cross Examination: Cross-examination should clarify, challenge, and/or advance arguments
  • Overall Presentation: Behavior is ethical, respectful of topic, opponent, and judge in manners and tone.