Priory Round Robin

2024 — NSDA Campus, CA/US


Abbreviation PAR
Format Debate
Entry Fee $25.00
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

  • Teams of two will compete
  • There will be a new topic for each round and teams are given 20 minutes to prepare
  • 7-8-8-8-4-5: 7 minute aff constructive, 8 minute neg constructive, 8 minute aff constructive, 8 minute neg constructive, 4 minute neg rebuttal (given by the first neg speaker), 5 minute aff rebuttal (given by the first aff speaker).
  • Consulting:Entrants in Parli debate may ONLY prep with their partners, and may NOT confer or prep with any other person (including their coach or teammates) other than their partner; violation of this rule can result in a forfeit / loss.
  • Prep materials: Students may NOT electronically access any debate-specific back-files or prep-files during prep. That is, while use of the internet is allowed to view articles, webpages, studies, etc., use of the internet to access files specifically prepared for debaters is not allowed (accessing the NYTimes IS allowed, accessing a back-file you have on a shell, specific type of argumentation, blocks, or topic specific debate related preparation, etc. is not.
  • Internet: Competitors may use the internet during prep time, but all rules about consultation with other people and prep materials still apply.
  • Points of Information:To make a point of information, a member of the opposing team rises for recognition by the speaker. The speaker then has the discretion to accept or refuse the point. If the point is accepted, the opposing team member directs a statement or question to the speaker. The speaker is technically yielding time from his/her own speech for the point of information and the time for the point is deducted from the speaker holding the floor.
  • Points of Order: Points of Order are allowed only in rebuttal speeches and are to be used only to raise a claim that an opponent is introducing a new argument in a rebuttal speech.