North Mecklenburg Viking Classic

2024 — Huntersville, NC/US

Dramatic Interpretation

Abbreviation DI
Format Speech
Entry Fee $15.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

This is an individual category in which the selections are dramatic in nature. Using a play, short story or other published work, students perform a selection of one or more portions of a piece. With a spotlight on character development and depth, this event focuses on the student's ability to convey emotion through the use of dramatic text. Competitors may portray one or multiple characters. No props or costumes may be used. Performances must include an introduction written by the student stating the title and the author.

Selection may not have been sued by the competitor in a prior school year. Selection may not be used by the student in another event. No props or costumes allowed.

Maximum time limit is 10 minutes. Students exceeding the time limit by more than 30 seconds cannot receive a first-place rank.