Jim Fountain Classic

2024 — Tempe, AZ/US

Congressional Debate

Abbreviation CD
Format Congress
Entry Fee $10.00
Overall Entry Limit 126
Entry Limit Per School 18
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Congressional Debate will follow the AIA Rulebook for this event. AIA Rules can be found at the ASDCA website.

There will be two sessions of Congressional debate on Friday 10/18 starting at 8 AM (AZ Time) for Session 1, and 11 AM (AZ Time) for Session 2.

Please use the provided legislation templates for legislation. When you submit, please use either the "export" feature or "print as PDF" feature to submit your legislation as a PDF.

Non PDF files may not be accepted/included in the packet. (PDF files reduce the amount of work Richie has to do to make a docket. Please submit PDFs only.)