RHS Warrior Invitational

2024 — Greer, SC/US

Informative Speaking

Abbreviation INF
Format Speech
Entry Fee $12.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

An informative speech is an original speech designed to explain, define, describe, or illustrate a particular subject. The general purpose of the speech is for the audience to gain understanding and/or knowledge of a topic. Any other purpose such as to entertain or to convince shall be secondary. The use of audio/visual aids is optional. (See notes below.)

This contest comprises only memorized speeches composed by the contestants and not used by them during a previous contest season. While a student may convert a speech from one competition category to another from tournament to tournament (changing a exposition to an informative speech, for example), they may not use a variation of the same speech in two or more events at a single tournament.

Effective speeches provide new information or perspectives on a topic, including those that are widely known. The responsibility for choosing a worthwhile topic rests with the contestant. A fabricated topic may not be used. Any non-factual reference, including a personal reference, must be so identified.

Optional Audio /visual aids: Audio/visual aids may or may not be used to supplement and reinforce the message. During the presentation, no electronic equipment is permitted. The use of live animals or any additional people as visual aids is not allowed during the speech. Audience interaction (having question and answer periods, asking for a show of hands, giving the audience a quiz, etc.) is likewise not allowed because it treats audience members as audio and visual aids. Food and drink are not permitted. Items of dress put on and removed during the course of the presentation are considered costumes and may not be part of the contestant’s presentation.

Visual aids may not violate law (weapons, drugs, etc.) The host school is not responsible for providing any facilities, equipment, or assistance in a contestant’s use of visual aids. Expedient set up and take down of aids is expected. Students will have up to 1 minute of “prep time” to set up aids before the 10-minute “speech time” begins. “Speech time” is continuous and will not stop for the student to adjust, or take down aids. If a visual aid displays published pictorial material, the source must be included in the work-cited page but does not need to be cited orally.

Visual and audible aids are optional. They should be judged favorably only in so far as they help make good speaking possible. If a contestant chooses to use aids, they should select materials appropriate to the speech, smoothly integrate such materials, and use them with restraint. Visual and audible aids should not be a distraction from — or a substitute for — good public speaking.

Movement: Allowed. Memorized; no script.

Time limit: 10 minutes, with a 30 second grace period. Presentations that exceed the grace period may not receive first place in the round. Any other penalty is at the judge’s discretion.