Alief Early College Knights

2024 — Houston, TX/US

A - Foreign Extemp

Abbreviation A-FX
Format Speech
Entry Fee $20.00
Overall Entry Limit 28
Entry Limit Per School 5
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Extemporaneous Speaking
The Extemporaneous Speaking contest is designed to enable the student to speak in an integrated manner on a central idea, organize ideas in a pattern which is meaningful to listeners, and orally communicate his/her ideas effectively. This contest is similar in some respects to impromptu speaking in that the word extemporaneous is used to mean “on short notice.” It differs, however, in that although the specific extemporaneous speech has not been prepared in advance of the contest day, considerable preparation in terms of gathering, analyzing, and organizing information about state, national, and international current events has gone on. A student may prepare for this contest by reading a variety of news sources, either online or in print.

1. Divisions: There shall be two divisions: United States and International.

2. Topics: Topics are to be phrased in the form of a question. Topics shall be from subjects discussed in standard periodicals of the current school year.

3. Draw: Thirty minutes before the contest is to begin, the first speaker shall draw three topics, choose one, and return the others. The other contestants shall draw in like manner, in their speaking order, at seven-minute intervals. A contestant drawing a topic on which they have spoken previously in the tournament shall return that topic and draw again.

4. Preparation and Materials: After the contestant has chosen a topic, the contestant shall withdraw to the preparation area and plan the speech without conferring or exchanging information with anyone. No pre-prepared notes, or outlines, or speeches may be used by the competitor. Contestants may refer to files containing books, book excerpts, periodicals, online retrievals from mass media publications, and/or photocopies or digital copies of any of the above. Information retrieved from internet websites must
include the URL citation. Competitors may not cut or paste articles into a single document. Once a contestant has chosen a topic, they may neither change from nor alter that topic. No visual aids may be used in the delivery of the speech. Contestants must present their topic slip to the judge(s) prior to speaking. Violation shall result in being disqualified from the event.

5. Note Cards: A note card may be used in preliminary rounds of Invitational Qualifying Tournaments but is NOT permitted in any elimination rounds of these tournaments. Violation shall result in being ranked last in the round in which the violation occurred. NOTE: A note card may not be used in any round of the State Tournament.

6. Time Limit: Time limit is seven minutes maximum with a thirty-second grace period. Overtime violators SHALL NOT be ranked first in the round by the judge. Any other penalty is at the discretion of the judge. Judges may consider audience reaction and its impact on official time before enforcing any overtime penalty.

7. Cross-Examination: At the State Tournament, the final round will include a cross-examination period, as described below. (Though not mandatory, Invitational Qualifying Tournaments are urged to use the cross-examination format in the final round.)

a. Cross-Examination Procedure: Each speaker shall be assigned a position in the speaking order. Drawing shall take place at 12-minute intervals. Thirty minutes after Speaker 1 has drawn, the last Speaker shall enter the contest room. Speaker 1 shall give the speech and the last Speaker shall take notes and/or listen. At the
conclusion of Speaker 1’s speech, the last Speaker shall cross-examine Speaker 1 for a time period not to exceed three minutes. The cross-examination will be an open format, similar to the cross-examination period employed in the final round of the NSDA National Tournament. The last Speaker shall return to the prep room
and Speaker 1 shall stay to listen to and question Speaker 2. Speaker 2 will question Speaker 3, etc.

8. Multiple Divisions: Students can compete and qualify in both United States and International Extemporaneous Speaking but must choose one for TFA State.

9. Electronic Devices: The use of electronic devices (i.e. laptops, tablets or phones) by the competitors may be used during draw to retrieve information online or saved onto a storage device with the following provisions:
a. Competitors found engaging in online communication with other individuals not directly participating in the round will be disqualified.
b. Tournament hosts are under no obligation to provide internet access to competitors.