TOC ASIA Halloween Cup Online

2024 — CN

Public Forum Debate MS

Abbreviation PF MS
Format Debate
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

TOC ASIA Speech & Debate -Public Forum Debate

Resolved: Cities in China should substantially increase their support for the adoption of autonomous vehicles.

Event Description

- Prior to EVERY round and in the presence of the judge(s), a coin is tossed by one teamand called by the other team. The team that wins the flip may choose one of two options:EITHER the SIDE of the topic they wish to defend (pro or con) OR the SPEAKING POSITIONthey wish to have (begin the debate or end the debate). The remaining option (SIDE ORSPEAKING POSITION) is the choice of the team that loses the flip. Once speaking positionsand sides has been determined, the debate begins (the con team may lead, dependingon the coin flip results). Following the first two constructive speeches, the two debaterswho have just given speeches will stand and participate in a three-minute “crossfire”. In“crossfire” both debaters “hold the floor.” However, the speaker who spoke first shouldask the first question. After that question, either debater may question and/or answer atwill. At the conclusion of the summary speeches, all four debaters will remain seated andparticipate in a three-minute “Grand Crossfire” in which all four debaters are allowed tocross-examine one another.

- The speaker who gave the first summary speech should ask the first question. The speakers from each team will continue to ask and answer questions. Teams should alternateasking and answering questions rather than allowing one team to dominate so that a balance between teams is achieved. All speakers are encouraged to participate in the GrandCrossfire. Speakers should listen respectfully to opponents’ questions and answers. Following this, both teams will give a final focus speech where they explain the most important arguments and how the judge should decide a winner.


In Public Forum Debate, the Association defines a plan or counterplan as a formalized,comprehensive proposal for implementation. Neither the pro or con side is permitted tooffer a plan or counterplan; rather, they should offer reasoning to support a position ofadvocacy. Debaters may offer generalized, practical solutions.

Evidence Checks

A team has one minute to produce a piece of evidence on request from the opposing team.Once the evidence has been supplied, the team requesting the evidence shall begin touse their preparation time to read the evidence. If a team provides a debate card with exact wording, the team requesting the evidence may NOT extend the one-minute evidencecheck time to open the link; they must do that with their own preparation time.

Failed Evidence Checks

If the team cannot produce the evidence within one minute, the team using the evidencemay either begin their preparation time to continue to find the evidence OR may chooseto disregard the evidence. If the evidence is disregarded, the judge shall view it as an analytic argument made by the student with no source.


Judges will be provided with a ballot on which a win and loss and a point score between20 and 30. Judges are encouraged to maintain a range of 25-30, with half points (0.5) beingacceptable. Any score below a 25 should be given for a student who consistently fails tocomplete their speeches, and any score below a 24 should be for offensive conduct (conduct which warrants a follow-up from TOC staff). Judges are highly encouraged to providewritten feedback on the ballot. Low point wins ARE ALLOWED in Public Forum.


Unless instructed otherwise by TOC Staff (a “Silent Round”) judges shall disclose the teamthey voted for and give a brief explanation of why they voted for the team they did. Debaters may ask short questions of the judge. The post-round discussion shall be cordialand respectful. The TOC Organizing Committee reserves the right to sanction (up to andincluding disqualification/removal from the tournament) any competitor who verballyabuses judges or competitors or any judge who gives feedback that is inappropriate.