TOC ASIA Halloween Cup Online

2024 — CN

Junior Debate 3V3

Abbreviation JD
Format Debate
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry 3 competitors per entry

Event Description:

TOC ASIA 3v3 Junior Debate


Pro Speaker 1: 4 minutes

Con Speaker 1: 4 minutes

Crossfire between S1s: 3 minutes

Pro Speaker 2: 4 minutes

Con Speaker 2: 4 minutes

Crossfire betweenS2s: 3 minutes

Pro Speaker 3: 4 minutes

Con Speaker 3: 4 minutes

Crossfire between S3s: 3 minutes

  • Prepared Motions: (10 mins of prep time)

    Round 1: We should abolish private schools.

    Round 3: We should ban the consumption of meat and all animal products.

    Round 5: We prefer a world where humans are immortal.

  • Impromptu Motions: (20 mins of prep time)

Round 2 & Round 4 & All elimination rounds & Final round

Adjudicating & Scoring

  1. Adjudicators are expected to practice “issue-based” judging when adjudicating the rounds.
  • Judges need to base their adjudication on the key issues highlighted by the debaters.
  • Judges should weigh the debate based on the exchange of the teams on the key issues.
  • Judges should decide the winner of the round based on the holistic consideration of all key issues presented by the speakers.
  • Judges should also consider how well the student questioned their opponent, if the student’s rebuttals answered the arguments their opponent made, the quality of the rebuttals, and if the student did a good job in the final speech of explaining why the judge should vote for them in this specific debate (not just reexplaining their arguments).

2. Adjudicators should score the performance of each speaker between 50 – 100 points.

  • The average speaker score is 70.
  • Scores are expected to be between 60 and 80, with half points allowed. Any

    deviation from this requires tournament approval.

3. No low point win allowed. Winning teams need to have a higher total speaker score.

4. Judges are not allowed to reveal scoring to the teams.


An iron person occurs when one or more debaters are missing from the team during apreliminary round. In this case, the debater present will give all of the speeches in substitute for the missing debaters. The debater present will choose which speech they will bescored on prior to the debate. The missing speakers will get the floor score for the round.Teams are allowed to earn a result (win or loss) for only their first iron-person preliminaryround in a tournament. Any subsequent iron-person rounds will result in an automaticloss. Teams will not be allowed to iron person in the elimination rounds. In the event thata speaker is not present for an elimination round, the round will be forfeited.