Thomas S Foley TOC NITOC Bid Memorial Tournament
2025 — Spokane Valley, WA/US
John Clark Legal Argument - A
Event Description:
John Clark Legal Argument Rules
Although the event is called “legal argument,” it encompasses both opening statements, which are expository in nature, and closing arguments, which are akin to persuasive oratories. The purpose of an opening statement is to preview what the evidence will show in a manner supportive of the proponent’s position – but in a non-argumentative fashion. This is usually done in a story fashion with introductory phrases such as “the evidence will show.” Closing argument “marshals the evidence” and argues it in a manner consistent with the proponent’s position. Visual aides may be used in both opening statements and closing arguments. Competitors may choose to deliver either an opening statement or a closing argument for either the prosecution or the defense. Speeches must be based on the facts stated in the hypothetical fact pattern. Washington State law applies and students are encouraged to research applicable legal issues. The hypothetical fact pattern is attached to this invitation along with copies of the applicable criminal statutes. The time limit for this event is 8 minutes. Judges will be given access to the hypothetical fact pattern.