Thomas S Foley TOC NITOC Bid Memorial Tournament

2025 — Spokane Valley, WA/US

After Dinner Speaking - A

Abbreviation ADS
Format Speech
Entry Fee $0.00 (Plus $35/student)
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

After Dinner Speaking

Time: 4 - 6 minutes Time signals: not provided. 30 second grace period.

This event should imitate a banquet situation. The group (real or fictional) being addressed should be clear. The intent of ADS is to entertain, but the speaker must also develop an idea. Material presented must be original. Delivery may be through memorization or use of notes on one side of a 4 x 6 card, but a text may not be used. Emphasis should be placed on the concept of “speech.” While humorous quips and jokes are appropriate, they must have purpose and fit the occasion.