Lighthouse 4n6 Series Iris

2025 — Online, US

Declamation Speaking

Abbreviation DEC
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

  • Length

    • The time limit is ten minutes with a 30-second grace period. If an entry exceeds the grace period, they cannot be ranked 1st. There are no other prescribed penalties for going over the grace period.

    • The decision on rankings is at the judges' discretion. Judges must use accurate timing devices.

  • Material

    • A selection used in Oratorical Declamation must have been originally delivered in the form of a speech by its author, a person other than the present speaker.

    • The speaker must have an introduction that names the work, author, and describes the circumstances under which the speech was originally presented. Selections may include professional speeches, public orations, eulogies, and sermons. Stand-up comedy routines are prohibited.

    • No particular style should be demanded of the speaker; rather, the contestant should be free to select and to develop a personal style and be judged according to the degree of perfection attained and the effectiveness in influencing the listeners. While the specifics of the speech and any style of delivery which the speaker adopts should be judged in light of the purpose of the speech, artificiality is to be discredited. This event is not an impersonation.

  • Performance

    • Any changes to eliminate profanity or for transitions must be clearly indicated in ink. Enhancements for effect are not allowed.

    • Costumes and props are not permitted. Performances must be from memory.