Lighthouse 4n6 Series Iris
2025 — Online, US
Extemporaneous Commentary
Event Description:
The time limit is five minutes with a 30-second grace period. If an entry exceeds the grace period, they cannot be ranked 1st. There are no other prescribed penalties for going over the grace period.
The decision on rankings is at the judges' discretion. Judges must use accurate timing devices.
Twenty minutes prior to the beginning of the round, the contestant will draw three topics, select one, and return the rest.
The contestant may consult sources pursuant to the same rules governing materials and evidence in Extemporaneous Speaking.
The speech should have depth of position developed, and evidential, logical, and emotional support for the position taken. Contestants are not required to take a specific stance, but could choose any one of several possible positions, e.g., advocacy, criticism, concern, balanced objectivity, commendation, etc.
As soon as a question is chosen, the contestant will prepare a speech without consultation and without references to prepared notes.
Students may consult published books, magazines, newspapers and journals or articles, provided:
They are originals or copies of whole pages.
Provided those originals or copies are uncut.
There is no written material on that original or copy other than citation information.
Topical index without annotation may be present.
The presentation will be delivered seated at a table or desk, striving for a delivery similar to that suitable for public commentary before community groups and/or media audiences.
The contestant may not use any notes during the performance.
The contestant should speak clearly, persuasively, and conversationally. Word choice should be precise for accuracy and clarity.
Artistic Plagiarism
Direct imitation of previous performances or video media is prohibited. Artistic plagiarism penalties can range from lowering the ranking to disqualification. Proof of plagiarism must include video evidence and written verification.