Lighthouse 4n6 Series Iris
2025 — Online, US
Public Forum Debate
Event Description:
The resolution shall be the current NSDA Resolution for the month in which the competition takes place. Each entry is likely to debate both sides of the resolution. No substitution is permitted once the tournament has begun.
Procedure and Order of Speeches
Coin Flip: Before each round, a coin is tossed virtually or by one of the teams. The winning team chooses either their side (pro or con) or speaking position (begin or end the debate). The remaining option is chosen by the losing team.
Debate Structure:
Constructive Speeches: The debate begins with the first constructive speech. The con team may lead.
Crossfire: After the first two constructive speeches, the debaters participate in a three-minute "crossfire." The speaker who spoke first asks the first question. Debaters may then question and answer at will.
Grand Crossfire: After the summary speeches, all four debaters engage in a three-minute "Grand Crossfire" where they cross-examine each other. The speaker from the first summary speech asks the first question. Teams should alternate asking and answering questions, with all speakers encouraged to participate.
Counterplans: Neither side is permitted to offer a counterplan. They should provide reasoning to support their position of advocacy and may offer generalized, practical solutions.
Prompting Philosophy
Except for time signals, oral prompting by anyone is strongly discouraged and may be penalized. Debaters may refer to their notes and consult with their teammate while not speaking.
The judge will determine how time is kept.
Time Limits
First Speaker - Team A: 4 Minutes
First Speaker - Team B: 4 Minutes
Crossfire: 3 Minutes
Second Speaker - Team A: 4 Minutes
Second Speaker - Team B: 4 Minutes
Crossfire: 3 Minutes
Summary - First Speaker - Team A: 3 Minutes
Summary - First Speaker - Team B: 3 Minutes
Grand Crossfire: 3 Minutes
Final Focus - Second Speaker - Team A: 2 Minutes
Final Focus - Second Speaker - Team B: 2 Minutes
Prep Time: 3 Minutes per Team