Monsignor Lyons Invitational

2015 — PA/US

Parliamentary Debate

Abbreviation Parli
Format Debate
Entry Fee $15.00
Entry 3 competitors per entry

Event Description:

A clash of two three person teams debating both prepared and impromptu topic rounds. The six students in the debate and the judge(s) form a legislative body voting on an issue of policy.

PHSSL rules will apply in this event

Prepared Topic: This House supports academic tracking in primary and secondary education

                       Impromptu Topics: This house believes that federal welfare policies have increased poverty.

                                                                     This house believes quality of life is more important than presence of life.

                                                                    This House believes the right to privacy is more important than the freedom of press.

                                                                    This house believes that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.



Topics will be posted November 5th.