EBDL Jamboree

2024 — Dublin, CA/US

Middle School Debate

Abbreviation MSD
Format Debate
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry Teams of between 2 and 3 competitors

Event Description:

  • Only 3 POIs per speaker, i.e. when the other team is speaking, your team as a whole can only attempt 3 POIs total PER speaker

  • Heckles are 3 words ONLY and are not meant to disrupt the speech; they are meant to be non abusive and constructive to the debate

  • No POIs during the first and last minute of each 5-minute speech and during the third speech

  • Be prepared to self-time

  • There should be NO filming/recording of debates.  Doing so will disqualify you from participating in this tournament and possibly future tournaments if the violator is persistent. 

  • Please maintain debate etiquette: any extreme violations can and will get not only an individual banned, but a team

    • Be respectful to teammates, opponents, director, coaches, and judges

    • Cheating of any kind is not tolerated

    • Use appropriate language