Sumner Academy Forensics Invitational Last Chance Qualifier

2025 — Kansas City, KS/US

Domestic Extemporaneous

Abbreviation DX
Format Speech
Entry Fee $7.00
Entry Limit Per School 4
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Extemporaneous Speaking-- (USX/IX). This is an event in which the student is asked to give a speech answering a question regarding current events. There are two categories of extemp: International Extemp and U.S. Extemp. The student receives three questions each round, selects one, and has thirty minutes to prepare a speech of not more than seven minutes.

Content: the speech should be clearly organized and responsive to the question asked. The student should show a good understanding of the issue(s) and should support any points raised (generally with evidence from his sources).

Delivery: although a 3X5 note card is permitted, many speakers use no notes. The speaker should be relatively fluent, have good eye contact, and have appropriate gestures.