MNUDL All City Championship CANCELLED

2020 — Minneapolis, MN/US

Welcome to the tournament page for the MNUDL Twin Cities Middle School Debate Championship. This tournament will be a normal tournament except for the following features:


We will have four rounds instead of three/two. The four debates will include three preliminary debates plus one final debate for each division. The finals debate will be against the top two teams in each division. The only time this will not be the case is under two scenarios. 1) If one of the teams with the first or second seed cannot stay for finals then the next highest seed will be put into their place in the final debate. Teams that cannot stay for finals will be able to earn First/Second Seed awards as part of their outcome, but cannot be Champions or Runner Up as they cannot compete in the final debate. 2) If the first and second seed are from the same school, then the first seed will advance to the final debate against the next highest seed from a different school. For example, if the entries Adams MN was first seed and Adams BG was second seed in the same division, then Adams BG would not be in the final debate and the third seed would instead be in finals.