The Eagle Scramble Online Oak Hall School

2020 — Gainesville, FL/US

Dear Friend of Our Program:

We write to you in hopes that you will join us, in our first efforts at hosting an online tournament event. This is the sixth year that Oak Hall School has reserved the days immediately preceding Mother’s Day for a celebratory competitive event with friends. This tournament, “The Eagle Scramble” is traditionally directed in an honorary capacity by our graduating seniors, and precedes our End of the Year Awards Banquet. It’s pretty simple fare, but we invite friends and friends of friends initially, and then fill those remaining spots with additional programs who have shown interest.  We hope you will join us!

Fees:   $25.00 per Policy Team

             $10.00 per Original Oratory or “1 v 1” Public Forum Entry


· Since the tournament is invite only, we will not accept independent entries. All students must represent a diploma-granting secondary school, have their administration or school-approved coaches’ permission to participate in the tournament. 

· We will limit our entries to no more than 24 competitors per event. 

Topics: Policy: The 2019-2002 Arms Sales Topic

            Maverick PF: Resolved: the USFG should guaranteed healthcare to its citizens

            Oratory: Pre-recorded and sent to

Tournament Format: 

· Competitors will be divided into pods. Debaters in each pod will debate each other. After each person has debated each other, the top two competitors from each pod will debate in elimination tournament. The winners of each round will continue to debate until there is a final round debate in their division.


· The tournament will use Zoom as the main platform for competition. All coaches will need to submit their own and their participants email address for the Zoom Platform to  Please submit competitor, judge, and observer emails in the eTOC format. Example:

Judge---Weston, Marna (Oak Hall)

Policy---Oak Hall DG (Aneesh Gogineni)

· All participants in the tournament will receive a link to a Zoom Meeting Room that is password protected. Upon entry everyone will be placed in the waiting room and will have to be accepted. (This is to prevent Zoom hackers, etc.) 

· Students and judges will be assigned to breakout rooms (virtual competition rooms) in order to participate their debates. All judges and students will be assigned to individual rooms. Upon the completion of the debate, students and coaches will return back to the main room 

Online Decorum: 

· Students and judges are expected to follow appropriate online behavior and decorum. They should treat the online format as if they are in a classroom. We will request that students and judges be at a workstation of some sort where personal items (bedrooms, etc.) are hidden from view. Students or judges violating decorum may be removed from the tournament. Debate students must not be in the same physical space unless proscribed so by their home school(s) in writing, approved by parents in writing, and in accordance with local laws and policies pursuant to Covid-19.  Participation in our event requires behaviors consistent with these orders. Penalties for violation of this rule are disqualification and official notification to parents and appropriate parties. Social distancing still applies.

· All concerns are reported to the tabroom staff and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the tournament staff. 

· During the debate: 

 All participants should keep their video on at all times. Additionally, on Zoom, please use your actual name. This is to ensure the correct people are placed in the correct debates. Participants will have the ability to mute their video when necessary. Although this is online and most will be at home, treat the event as if you were at Oak Hall School. 

Tech Requirements: 

· The only thing we need to run the debates are the ability to set up a meeting on Zoom that is password protected. We would need no more than 40 people in the main zoom room at any given time (all of whom would be assigned to individual breakout rooms). 

· We encourage folks to use headphones, an ethernet cord, and an external microphone when they are debating, to ensure quality translates. Although, we recognize that WIFI issues could inevitably arise.

                                       Past Eagle Scramble Tournament Directors

                                                                                              2013-2014   Anu Sharma

                          2014-2015  Franco Estores

                          2015-2016  Magnolia Stuart

                          2016-2017  Daniel Sharkey

                          2017-2018  Emily Liu

The proposed schedule for: POLICY DEBATE ONLY

Thursday, May 7th Round 1 4:30 pm EST

Thursday, May 7th Round 2 7:00 pm EST

Friday, May 8th Round 3 4:30 pm EST

Friday, May 8th Round 4 7:00 pm EST

Saturday, May 9th Round 5 10:00am EST

Appropriate Elimination Rounds Starting at 1:00pm EST

“Eagle Scramble” Awards Program 4pm EST


The proposed schedule for: PUBLIC FORUM ONLY

Friday, May 8th Round 1        4:30 pm EST

Friday, May 8th Round 2        6:00 pm EST

Friday, May 8th Round 3         7:30 pm EST

Saturday, May 9th Round 4    10:00am EST

Saturday, May 9th Round 5    11:30am EST

Appropriate Elimination Rounds Starting at 1:00pm EST

Eagle Scramble Awards Program at 4:00pm EST

The proposed schedule for: ORIGINAL ORATORY ONLY

Saturday, May 9th  Round 1     10:00am EST

Saturday, May 9th  Round 2     11:15am EST

Saturday, May 9th  Round 3     12:30am EST

Appropriate Elimination Rounds Starting at 1:45pm EST

Eagle Scramble Awards Program at 4:00pm EST