BGJHS Christmas Senior Virtual Tournament

2020 — Online, KY/US

2020 BG Christmas Virtual High School 

Speech Tournament

Hosted by Bowling Green Junior High


Who Senior High Speech Competitors (Grades 9-12)

What: Asynchronous tournament with All KHSSL Senior Events 

3 prelim rounds & 1 final round


When: December 8-12, 2020

Where: Online via Tabroom


Contact: Janet Martin

270-746-2300 Ext 30409 (school)

270-842-0943 (cell)


How: Register & upload all videos by 5 p.m. 12/8



Fees: $6 per competitor per event

$40.00 fee for each judge you can’t provide. 

(One judge covers six entries or fraction thereof.)  

$10.00 drop fee for each dropped competitor per event

$50.00 for dropped judges


Make checks payable and Mail to: 


Attn: Janet Martin
900 Campbell LN

Bowling Green, KY 42104


Entries: *Teams may enter an unlimited number of students in each event.  

*Only the top 3 students on each team in each event count towards sweepstakes.

*Student video links should be set for “anyone with the link” to view

*Upload student video links to Tabroom through the “Entries” tab.

*See this KHSSL Best Practices Guidelines for Virtual Tournaments


Awards: Team sweepstakes plaques for top 3 teams

The top finisher in each event will receive a medal.

Places 2-6 will receive a ribbon.

Next-out competitors will receive a certificate.

Awards will be mailed after completion of the tournament and receipt of your team’s entry fees.

Judges: *1 judge for every 6 entries or fraction thereof (7 entries = 2 judges; 13 entries=3)

*Should be familiar with KHSSL rules and ballots

*Must have a account


Events (Click link to see Rules & Sample Ballot)

Broadcasting--Round 2--3 min student-prepared newscast script 

Declamation  9th & 10th grade students only per KHSSL Rules

Dramatic Interpretation

Duo Interpretation

Extemporaneous Speaking--prompts sent to coaches 5 p.m. CST 12/7

Humorous Interpretation

Impromptu Speaking --prompts sent to coaches 5 p.m. CST 12/7 (prep must be recorded)

Improvisational Duo--prompts sent to coaches 5 p.m. CST 11/17 (prep must be record)

Informative Speaking



Program Oral Interpretation



Coaches, competitors, and judges need accounts for registration,  online ballots,   and video links for asynchronous events.

See making a account


Judges will use to access their ballots.  And, after the tournament is over, students can see their ballots on and use those comments from their judges to help them improve their performances.


Asynchronous Tournaments & Students

Once a student submits a video to their coach for an asynchronous tournament, there isn’t anything else students need to do except watch out for awards and look at ballots at the tournament’s conclusion.  


New Resources for Students & Judges

  1. Tournament Etiquette for Live Online Rounds (like in Campus)---The Etiquette page is pulled from our Virtual Tournament Best Practices Guide a KHSSL committee wrote up earlier this year.

  2. Filming Students for Video Competitions (video from KESDA)--How to Best Film Yourself guide for students filming competition videos -- a new video (that's lots of fun plus very useful) plus some text suggestions from the fine folks at KESDA -- thanks y'all

  3. Filming Students for Video Competitions -- Guidelines (Text)--A text version of what the video in #2 covers.


Judging Virtual Tournaments

  1. KHSSL Video for Judging Virtual Tournaments--Judges, be sure to watch this!

  2. How to Judge on Tabroom--Another great video about judging virtual tournaments (from Oklahoma)

  3. Tech Tip #1--use 2 devices: 1 for the video & 1 for your ballots.  You can log into tabroom on each device.  If you can’t use 2 devices, use 2 tabs and position them so you can see the video & type at the same time.

  4. Tech Tip #2--try to use a fairly large screen to watch the videos.  If you’re trying to watch videos on a phone, you may be losing facial expressions, etc. because the screen is so small.


See the KHSSL Tournaments Page for additional tournament information.


Speech Schedule (All times CST):

5 p.m. MON 12/7

Limited Prep Topics Released

5 p.m. TUES 12/8

Registration Deadline for all teams and events; Deadline to upload video links for all events

6 p.m.-8 p.m. TUES 12/8 

Team Check-in via Google Meet--link will be emailed to coaches

5 p.m. WED 12/9

All prelim round judging assignments released

5 p.m. FRI 12/11

All prelim round ballots due.

ASAP FRI 12/11

All finals posted & final round ballots open to judges.

12 p.m. SAT 12/12

All final round Ballots due

2 p.m. SAT 12/12 (or as soon as possible) 

AWARDS Ceremony via BGHS Speech & Debate Facebook Live


Please mail checks to cover tournament fees.

ASAP after conclusion of tournament & receipt of payment

Awards mailed.