Feline Frenzy

2020 — NSDA Campus, WA/US


This information is taken from the tournament invitation, and there is more exhaustive information there. Please consult this checklist and the invitation periodically to make sure you have completed all steps and to see if there have been any updates.


1. Create a Tabroom account. This will be the only way to access your ballots after the tournament has concluded. 


2. Confirm that your entry is listed on Tabroom correctly (event and division).


3. When recording, no other people should be present in the room.


4. Your video is not to be edited in any way. You may clip from the beginning and ending portions of a video to remove transition to and from the camera to your staging area.


5. Videos are to be recorded from a fixed position and the device must not be handled by another person during the recording.


6. Your recordings must begin with the introduction "My name is (First Name Last Name) from (School Name). I am presenting the following (Event Name) for the Feline Frenzy Tournament in 2020." It will serve as proof that your recording is intended for competition in this tournament only. If the introductory phrase is not present, it will not be scored by judges


7. Immediately after recording provide the URL to your coach for Tabroom entry. Extemp and Impromtu will follow a slightly different process, please see information below if you are competing in those events.


8. If you have questions or concerns during the tournament check with your coach first and if you need more help please stop by the Ombudsperson Room (link is in its own page) and we'll answer questions / help.



After recording your performance, complete these steps:

1. CREATE A YOUTUBE ACCOUNT, if you do not already have one.

2. PUBLISH YOUR VIDEO: Log in to www.youtube.com, click “upload” at the top of the front page. Upload in standard and not high-definition.

3. EDIT VIDEO DETAILS: The title of your video should be the event followed by your name (ie Oratory - Your Name). In the description, add the TITLE of your selection, along with your NAME.

4. EDIT VIDEO VISIBILITY: When creating the Visibility, change the audience option from “Public” to “Unlisted” to ensure the privacy of your video; only those with a link to the video can watch. Do not make your video “Private” or “Public”

5. Confirm Viewability: After your video is fully uploaded, please ensure that your video has no technical issues with sound/video and that the performance is viewable from beginning to end. You might share the link with someone you trust in order to double-check that the link works

6. Send this URL to your coach immediately so they may upload it to Tabroom.



Impromptu topics will be released on Tabroom on 12/2 at 3:00 PM PST. Exemp topics will be released on Tabroom on 12/3 at 3:00 PM PST. For both events there will be three rounds, each with six topics from which to choose. 


** Impromptu video submissions are due December 2nd at 6:00 PM to the google form linked on the Impromptu Speaking Topics page. 

** Extemp video submissions are due December 3rd at 6:00 PM to the google form linked on the Extemporaneous Speaking Topics page. 


Students are not to consult with others when preparing their speeches. You should have no assistance from others in preparing each submission, and should not communicate with others during your prep or recording.

Videos should be titled using the format 'Event - First Name Last Name - Round #'.


In Extemp, your preparation time is limited to 30 minutes and your submissions should reflect your sole attempt at answering your topic selection for each round. Your prep should not be recorded. 


In Impromptu, your combined preparation and speaking time is six minutes. Your recording will reflect your complete participation in this round, from the time you first look at the topic choices, continues with your prep time, and it will end with the conclusion of your speech. The submission should reflect your sole attempt at answering the topic selection for each round, and your prep time should be recorded as part of this.


Follow the procedures above when uploading your video.


This is an unconventional year and these are unconventional ways of competing, but help make this a fun and educational experience for all. Don’t cheat, and have fun!