BCMSDL 4th Semiannual Tournament

2020 — Online, NJ/US

Welcome to the 4th Semiannual BCMSDL Tournament!


We are looking forward to an exciting culmination of our Fall semester!


PF Topic: Resolved: In the United States, social media is beneficial for democratic values.

PARLI Topics:  Social media does more harm than good 

                         There should be no required subjects in high school


Logistics  for the tournament will be sent on Friday, December 18, 2020. Please check your email. 


Saturday, December 19- Morning Session 


Pairings Released

(judges press start)

Tech Check

(all in room, unassigned judges in judge lounge)

Start Time

(should be underway!)

Round 1

9:05  am

9:10 am

9:20 am

Round 2

10:40 am

10:45 am


Saturday, December 19- Afternoon Session  



Pairings Released

(judges press start)

Tech Check

(all in room, unassigned judges in judge lounge)

Start Time

(should be underway!)

Round 1

12:35 pm 

12:40 pm

12:50  pm 

Round 2

2:10 pm

2:15 pm

2:25 pm 



Saturday, December 19  



Pairings Released
(judges press start)

Tech Check

(all in room, unassigned judges in judge lounge)

Start Time

(should be underway!)

Round 1

9:05  am

9:10 am

9:20 am

Round 2

10:40 am

10:45 am 

10:55 am 


The "Schematics" tab will show your actual pairings/round assignments. 


Contact for tournament related questions/information: bcmsdlcoach@gmail.com



Although we are not going to *require that students turn on video, we are going to *strongly encourage it and *expect that judges keep video on.  After the practice tournament, many students expressed concern that they couldn't take advantage of visual cues that are normally provided by competitors and judges during the debate.  Debate clearly has strong verbal and visual components that are lost without cameras. Also, many expressed concern that there is no way at all to know if students are receiving outside prep assistance if they leave their cameras off.

If you are concerned about other people seeing parts of the room you are debating in, please simply do your best to position yourself against a wall. 



This will be run on https://tournaments.classrooms.cloud/#


(1) Sit near your wireless router. This is the fastest way to improve the strength of your connection.
(2) Purchase a new router and a wireless boost. A new router can help boost your connection and in-room wireless boost devices can help strengthen the signal.
(3) Purchase an ethernet cable and connect the cable directly to your computer. 



Thank you,

BCMS Debate League Team
