2021 UHSAA 3A State

2021 — NSDA Campus, UT/US

A couple things to note:

--Oratory is LIVE! 

--LD and PF March topics

--Please test technology ahead of time (students and judges!) Coaches, please communicate with your judges about using tabroom and online judging. Helpful resources will be posted here as well.

Policy Friday
Round 1 3-5
Round 2 5-7
Policy Saturday
Round 3 8-10
Round 4 10-12
Elim 1 12-2
Elim 2 2-4
Elim 3 4-6
Speech Friday
Round 1 3-4:30
Round 2 4:30-6
Round 3 6:30-8
Finals 8 or ASAP
LD/PF Saturday
Round 1 8-9:30
Round 2 9:30-11
Round 3 11-12:30
Round 4 1-2:30
Elim 1 2:30-4
Elim 2 4-5:30
Elim 3 5:30-7
Congress Saturday
Session 1 8:30-11
Session 2 11:30-2
Finals 2:30-5