The 2021 North Hall Autumn Classic

2021 — Online, GA/US



N. Hall HS Autumn Classic Nov. 6, 2021 Dear Colleagues: We are delighted to extend to you and your students an invitation to the NHHS Autumn Classic Speech and Debate Tournament to be held Saturday, November 6, 2021.

We will offer the following events: Two-person Novice, JV, and Varsity Policy debate, novice and Varsity Lincoln-Douglas debate, novice and varsity public forum debate, extemporaneous speaking, impromptu speaking, dramatic interpretation, humorous interpretation, duo interpretation, informative speaking, and original oratory. We will offer program of interpretation (POI) rather than Prose/poetry. We will also be offering middle school level public forum, dramatic performance, impromptu speaking, original oratory, and POI. Big Questions Debate will run in 3 "patterned" rounds, and Congressional debate will be offered open chamber from 9:00- 12 pm, and 1:30 - 4pm.

1st Place Medals, and 2nd and 3rd place certificates will be mailed out following the tournament results being announced.

We request that you follow the GFCA resolution stating that "a novice debater should be a student who is debating his/her first national high school resolution in high school tournaments." Debaters with experience should compete at the varsity level. Registration is available on the website: You may register entries until 6:00 pm on Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2021. Interested entrants beyond that deadline should contact the tournament director, Colton Major, at Please take the time to look at the tentative schedule below. The tournament will be held virtually, synchronously, in all divisions.

You will need to make certain your school's technology folks and firewall will allow use of NSDA Campus (Jitsi) if you are to have your students to compete from school.  Having cell phone or computer access (requiring data) as a back up plan is STRONGLY urged.  Alternates would include having students to compete from home systems, but this requires use of the Tech Check time that is built into the tournament schedule well ahead of Round I, as there isn't any real time built in to further hold rounds due to technical issues.  

Judging Requirements Schools must provide one judge for every two congressional debaters, one judge for every two Lincoln-Douglas debaters, one judge for every two policy teams or public forum teams, and one judge for every 4 individual events entries or any fractions thereof. You will need to specifically request hired judges. We will fill as many hire requests as we can in the order they were received, but we are very limited on the number of judges for hire available. Please be aware that if you request judges near the tournament date, we may not be able to meet your needs, so you should plan on filling as many judges as you possibly can provide for yourselves.

Fees for hiring a judge are $150.00 per debate judge, and/or $100 per speech judge. Middle School judge hires are $75, Congressional Judge hires are $60, and BQD hires are $50.  Please note: We’d much rather have your guest judge for the tournament than judges’ fees. Judges available for hire are very limited; if you fail to request a hired judge but one is needed, then you will be assessed the judge’s fee or any part thereof as appropriate.

Tournament Fees Individual Events $10.00 per entry Lincoln-Douglas $15.00 per debater Policy Debate $30.00 per team Public Forum $30.00 per team Big Questions Debate No Charge per entry Congressional Debate $5.00 per entry Middle Sch Speech events $10.00 per entry Middle School PF $20.00 per team Registration Limitations Debaters (policy, novice policy, novice Lincoln-Douglas, Lincoln-Douglas, novice public forum, and Public Forum) may NOT double enter. Congressional Debate or Big Questions Debate (on a drop in basis, between rounds) aren't considered conflicting registration for Saturday debaters.

LD topic to be debated BY BOTH VARSITY AND NOVICE:

Lincoln-Douglas Debate – 2021 November/December Topic

Resolved: A just government ought to recognize an unconditional right of workers to strike. 

Public Forum Debate – 2021 November/December Topic Area: Blockchain

Resolved: Increased United States federal regulation of cryptocurrency transactions and/or assets will produce more benefits than harms.

Policy Debate – 2021-2022 Topic "Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its protection of water resources in the United States."

Individual Events competitors may double enter in individual events. They may NOT double enter in Saturday debate events other than BQD and Congress. BQD is single debater, not teams. Drop fees and/or nuisance fees will be applied for drops and changes made beyond deadlines.

Our team and parents are working very diligently to provide a quality tournament. As always, we expect this year's tournament to run in a smooth and timely manner. We hope to see you at the Autumn Classic!


Cliff Cape & Colton Major

NHHS Speech and Debate Coaches



8:00AM — "On Site Check In" due from Coaches in Tabroom/Tech Check via NSDA Campus test rooms

8:20AM — Pairings for Round 1; competitors and judges report to virtual rooms

8:35AM — Round 1 10:30 --- Tech Check

10:45AM — Pairings for Round 2; competitors and judges report to virtual rooms

11:00AM — Round 2

1:00PM — Lunch

2:00 --- Tech Check

2:15PM — Pairings for Round 3; competitors and judges report to virtual rooms

2:30PM — Round 3

4:15 -- Tech Check

4:30PM — Pairings for Round 4; competitors and judges report to virtual rooms

4:45PM — Round 4



8:00AM — "On Site Check In" due from Coaches/Tech Check via NSDA Campus Test Rooms

8:20AM — Pairings for Round 1; competitors and judges report to virtual rooms

8:40AM — Flip for Sides

8:45AM — Round 1 Start Time

10:05AM -- Tech Check for Round 2

10:15AM — Pairings for Round 2; competitors and judges report to virtual rooms

10: 25AM — Flip for Sides

10:30AM — Round 2

12:15PM — Lunch

12:45PM --- Tech Check for Round 3

1:00PM — Pairings for Round 3

1:15PM — Flip for Sides

1:20PM — Round 3

2:45PM -- Tech Check for Round 4

3:00PM — Pairings for Round 4 3:15PM — Flip for Sides

3:20PM — Round 4

4:45PM --- Tech Check for Round 5

5:00PM — Pairings for Round 5

5:15PM — Flip for Sides

5:20PM — Round 5



8:00AM — "On Site Check In" due from Coaches/Tech Check of NSDA Campus Test Rooms

8:45AM — Pairings for Round 1; competitors and judges report to virtual rooms

9:00AM — Round 1 Start Time

10:30AM --- Tech Check for Round 2

10:45AM — Pairings for Round 2; competitors and judges report to virtual rooms

11:00AM — Round 2

12:30PM — Lunch

1:00PM -- Tech Check for Round 3

1:15PM — Pairings for Round 3

1:30PM — Round 3

3:00PM --- Tech Check for Round 4

3:15PM — Pairings for Round 4

3:30PM — Round 4

5:00PM --- Tech Check for Round 5

5:15PM — Pairings for Round 5

5:30PM — Round 5



9:00AM — "On Site Check In" due from Coaches/Tech Check of NSDA Campus Test Rooms

10:00AM — Pairings for Round 1; competitors and judges report to virtual rooms

10:15AM — Round 1

12:00PM — Lunch

12:30PM — Pairings for Round 2

12:45PM — Round 2

2:15PM — Pairings for Round 3

2:30PM — Round 3



8:00AM — "On Site Check In" due from Coaches/Tech Check of NSDA Campus Test Rooms

8:45AM — Paneling for Session 1; competitors and judges report to virtual rooms

9:00AM — Session 1 Start Time

11:00AM — Paneling for Session 2

11:15AM — Session 2

1:150PM — Lunch

2:00PM -- Paneling for Session 3 (Final session) released; competitors & judges report to virtual rooms

2:15PM -- Session 3

4:45PM — Session 3 ends


Bills #s: 6, 13, 18, 20, 24, 28, & 30 from the posted packet will be included in any dockets for the day.  Additional legislation, either from the packet or written by schools is welcome.



8:00AM — "On Site Check In" due from Coaches/Tech Check of NSDA Campus Test Room/Squad Rooms, etc...

8:20 --- Extemp draw begins

8:35 AM — Schedule for Round 1; competitors and judges report to virtual rooms

8:50AM — Round 1 Start Time

10:15AM --- Tech Check for Round 2

10:30AM — Schedule for Round 2; competitors and judges report to virtual rooms; Extemp draw begins

11:00AM — Round 2

12:30PM — Lunch

1:00PM --- Tech Check for Round 3

1:15PM — Schedule for Round 3; Extemp draw begins

1:45PM — Round 3

3:00PM -- Tech Check for Round 4

3:15PM — Schedule for Round 4; Extemp draw begins 3:30PM — Round 4

4:45PM -- Tech Check for Round 5

5:00PM — Schedule for Round 5; Extemp draw begins

5:15PM — Round 5 (as needed)




8:45AM — "On Site Check In" due from Coaches/Tech Check of NSDA Campus Test Room/Squad Rooms, etc...

9:00 --- Schedule for Round 1; competitors and judges report to virtual rooms

9:15AM — Round 1 Start Time

10:15AM --- Tech Check for Round 2

10:30AM — Schedule for Round 2; competitors and judges report to virtual rooms

10:45AM — Round 2

12:15PM — Lunch

12:45PM --- Tech Check for Round 3

1:00PM — Schedule for Round 3

1:15PM — Round 3

2:45PM -- Tech Check for Round 4

3:00PM — Schedule for Round 4

3:15PM — Round 4


Round Hints for EX:

Rd. I Domestic Rd.

II International Rd.

III Domestic Rd.

IV International Rd.

V Domestic


Round Hints for Varsity IM

Rd. I "Quotations That Plague"

Rd. II "Advice From Poor Richard"

Rd. III "Blinded by Science Quotations"

Rd. IV "Entertain Us"

Rd. V "How Now?"