Plano West Classic

2021 — NSDA Campus, US

Dear Colleagues,

The Plano West Speech and Debate team cordially invites you to virtually attend the annual Plano West Fall Classic Speech and Debate Tournament, October 22-24, 2021. We will try to offer you and your students not only outstanding academic competition, but also a pleasant tournament experience.

We will be online due to COVID-19. We have spent quite some time figuring out the best schedule for most attendees given the factors of balancing screen time for students, coaches, judges, as well as attendees from different time zones. We will use the NSDA Campus platform for the Fall Classic on 

Plano West has been designated as a University of Kentucky Tournament of Champions qualifying tournament for Congress (Top 6), Public Forum (Semis), and all speech events. The Northwestern University Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions has designated us a Semi-Finals bid. We are also a NIETOC bid tournament.

All TFA qualifying events will be offered. All events will be synchronous throughout the duration of the tournament.

We are excited that we will have an official Equity Offer/Ombudsperson as a component of the Plano West Fall Classic to be available to those with equity concerns.  


Robey Holland

Director of Speech and Debate


Plano West Senior High School