Bay Area Middle School Championships BAMSC

2022 — San Jose, CA/US

BAMSCH - any news about rescheduling will be sent via email.  Stay safe out there and take care.

The Presentation Speech and Debate program is excited to host the second annual Bay Are Middle School Championships for Speech and Debate. The tournament will take place online on Saturday, April 9th and Sunday, April 10th 2022.  The tournament will offer all debate and speech events.  

Important answers to important questions below. 

Is the tournament in person? Out of an abundance of caution and safety at this time we have made the decision to host virtually using the NSDA Campus platform. 

How many rounds? We will offer preliminary rounds that will break to elimination rounds in all debate events and final rounds for all Individual events. Please check the schedule for round times/breakdown. 

Who can attend? Is it just bay area? This tournament is open ONLY to middle school students grades 6-8. The tournament is not restricted to Bay Area middle schools, that's just a name.  Any middle school/junior high program is welcome to attend. 

Can kids cross enter? Sure, students are allowed to cross enter at their own risk.   Students can enter up to three events but can only enter one debate division (Congress is considered a debate event.).  We will not provide special accommodations for cross entry.  Students and their coaches are responsible for getting to all of their rounds on time.  We will not hold up the tournament for cross entry nor will we re-run rounds for rounds missed.  

Who do we pay? How much is it? Make all checks payable to Presentation High School or PHS.  We must have full payment before the start of the tournament. Speech cost is $40 per entry, debate events are $60 per entry. If you would prefer to use a online payment we have use this form online (Yes it says Nano Nagle & Yes it's the correct form). 

What debate topics are we using? We will use the March- April NSDA LD topic.  We will use the March NSDA PF topic.

Resolved: In a democracy, a free press ought to prioritize objectivity over advocacy.

Resolved: In the United States, the benefits of increasing organic agriculture outweigh the harms.


Any questions please contact the director -  Jyleesa Hampton-