2023 National Online Forensics Championships HSMSEL

2023 — Online, CA/US

LD Topic (May/June):

Resolved: Government employees have a moral obligation to leak classified information to

address injustice.

Public Forum Topic (May/June):

Resolved: The United States should adopt ranked-choice voting for its federal elections.

High School Worlds Topics:

Round 1 (prepared): This House believes that the increase in usage of artificial intelligence in

the workforce is more beneficial than harmful.

Round 2 (impromptu - released at 4:15pm): tba

Round 3 (prepared): This House regrets the rise of nihilism in pop culture.

Round 4 (impromptu - released at 11:00am): tba

Bronze (prepared):This House supports a people’s democratic right to secede.

Gold (prepared: This House believes that parliamentary systems are preferable to presidential

systems in democracies.

Middle & Elementary School Worlds Topics:

Round 1 (prepared): This House supports limiting internet use in daily life.

Round 2 (impromptu - released at 4:15pm): tba

Round 3 (prepared):This House regrets the rise in popularity of child stars.

Round 4 (impromptu - released at 11:00am): tba

Bronze (prepared): This House would cease the pursuit of space colonization.

Gold (prepared): This House supports limiting internet use in daily life.

Congress Legislation: posted to the right on this page under tournament documents. Please

note there is separate docket for elementary students.

NOF Parli: tba at the start of each round in the live competition room with your judges

Extemp: We will be using ExtempRoom.com - Join Code: NOF23EXT

2023 Championships


Full Invitation Available here (last updated 12/31/22)

Dear Forensics Community,

Building upon the success of last year’s online championships, National Online Forensics is excited to announce the 2023 National Online Forensics Championships for College, High School, Middle School, and Elementary. This will be a synchronous video conference national championship tournament.

Tournament Dates:

High School

May 29-June 4, 2023

Register by May 22, 2023

Middle School

May 29-June 4, 2023

Register by May 22, 2023


June 3-4, 2023

Register by May 22, 2023

National Online Forensics sees a tremendous value in an online national championship that can afford more competitors and programs the opportunity to compete and showcase their skills on a national level.

Key Points:

  • Registration is due by March 17 for College and May 22 for High School, Middle School, and Elementary at 8pm Pacific time on ForensicsTournament.net

  • Reasonable entry fees payable by credit card on the website. Payment will be available the week of the tournament.

  • Competitors will need to compete with the authorization and support of their school/program’s coaching staff.

  • Each school is required to provide one judge for every 5 IE entries per pattern/2 debate teams. At the discretion of the Tournament Director, uncovered entries may be allowed (penalty fees apply).

  • The tournament will use synchronous video conferencing on the 8x8 platform. Please see the Best Practices section of this invite for tips on how to effectively use the platform.

  • There will be a single championship division for all events.

  • The Opening Ceremony, most college final rounds, and the Awards ceremony will be live-streamed on YouTube.

We hope you and your team can join us for a celebration of the hard work our forensics competitors have been doing all season. If you have any questions please feel free to email us at info@nationalonlineforensics.org


The National Online Forensics Team

2023 High School Tentative Schedule*

Time (Pacific)















8:00 AM

Pattern E Round 2

Pattern F Round 3

Pattern C Elim 1

Pattern D Elim 1

9:30 AM

Pattern G Round 2

Pattern G Elim 1

11:00 AM

Pattern E Round 3

Pattern F Round 4

Pattern E Elim 2

Pattern F Elim 2

1:00 PM

Pattern G Round 3

Pattern C Elim 2

Pattern D Elim 2

3:00 PM

Pattern A Round 1

Pattern B Round 1

Pattern C Round 1

Pattern D Round 1

Pattern E/F Round 1

Pattern A Elim 1

Pattern B Elim 1

Pattern G Elim 2

4:15 PM

Pattern A Round 2

Pattern B Round 2

Pattern C Round 2

Pattern D Round 2

Pattern F Round 2

Pattern E Elim 1

Pattern F Elim 1

5:30 PM

Pattern A Round 3

Pattern B Round 3

Pattern C Round 3

Pattern D Round 3

Pattern G Round 1

Pattern A Elim 2

Pattern B Elim 2

7:30 PM


* Schedule may be adjusted depending on entries.

Pattern A: Info, Pers, STE, Imp

Pattern B: POI, POE, Prose

Pattern C: DUO, DRA, HI, Original Interp

Pattern D: Declamation, Storytelling, Ext (single entry)

Pattern E: Congress (may not enter debate)

Pattern F: LD, PF, NOF Parli, World Schools (may not enter Congress)

Pattern G: SPAR

2023 Middle School Tentative Schedule*

Time (Pacific)















8:00 AM

Pattern E Round 2

Pattern F Round 3

Pattern C Elim 1

Pattern D Elim 1

9:30 AM

Pattern G Round 2

Pattern G Elim 1

11:00 AM

Pattern E Round 3

Pattern F Round 4

Pattern E Elim 2

Pattern F Elim 2

1:00 PM

Pattern G Round 3

Pattern C Elim 2

Pattern D Elim 2

3:00 PM

Pattern A Round 1

Pattern B Round 1

Pattern C Round 1

Pattern D Round 1

Pattern E/F Round 1

Pattern A Elim 1

Pattern B Elim 1

Pattern G Elim 2

4:15 PM

Pattern A Round 2

Pattern B Round 2

Pattern C Round 2

Pattern D Round 2

Pattern F Round 2

Pattern E Elim 1

Pattern F Elim 1

5:30 PM

Pattern A Round 3

Pattern B Round 3

Pattern C Round 3

Pattern D Round 3

Pattern G Round 1

Pattern A Elim 2

Pattern B Elim 2

7:30 PM


* Schedule may be adjusted depending on entries

Pattern A: Info, Pers, STE, Imp

Pattern B: POI, POE, Prose

Pattern C: DUO, DRA, HI, Original Interp

Pattern D: Declamation, Storytelling, Ext (single entry)

Pattern E: Congress (may not enter debate)

Pattern F: LD, PF, NOF Parli, World Schools (may not enter Congress)

Pattern G: SPAR

2023 Elementary School Tentative Schedule*

Time (Pacific)

Saturday June 3rd

Sunday June 4th

8:00 AM

Pattern H Round 1


Pattern H Round 4


9:30 AM

Pattern H Round 2

(only SPAR, PF, Parli)

Pattern J Elim 1 (Events TBA)

11:00 AM

Pattern H Round 3


Pattern H Elim 1 (Events TBA)

1:00 PM

Pattern J Round 1

Pattern J Elim 2 (Events TBA)

3:00 PM

Pattern J Round 2

Pattern H Elim 2 (Events TBA)

4:15 PM

Pattern J Round 3

5:30 PM

7:30 PM


* Schedule may be adjusted depending on entries

Pattern H: Congress, SPAR, Public Forum, NOF Parli, World Schools (single entry only)

Pattern J: Duo, Impromptu, Declamation, Poetry, Prose, Storytelling, Informative, Persuasive (triple entry)