The Adelante International A Bilingual World Schools Tournament

2025 — Miami, FL/US



Christopher Columbus High School, MIAMI FL January 30th - February 1st, 2025**

**final date still pending


Team Cap: Member Countries are invited to register up to 4 teams (3-5 debaters, 1 judge per 2 teams, 1 coach per delegation). Judges and coaches can be the same individual.

Divisions: Novice: Students in their first year of debate or junior high level.

Español: Students interested in competing only in Spanish. This will be an open division. Competitors are eligible so long as they are 19 or younger by the end of the tournament.

Varsity: Students who have been competing beyond a year, enrolled at a high school debate program, competing in English.

Food: We provide all meals during competition schedule

Rounds: 5 prelim Debate Rounds, quarters; semi-finals and finals.

Format: Debates will be in Worlds Schools Debate format

Motions: Prepared Motions posted on the SCHEDULE tab by December 1st 2024.

Judges:Experienced Worlds Schools graduate debaters and trained judges per delegation. University of Miami and Lynn University debaters will be available for judge hires.

Training will be mandatory prior to the first round. All delegations have to be accompanied by at

least one person who is over 18 and will be judging at the tournament.

LOCATION: 3000 SW 87th Ave Miami, Florida 33165

(Located about 20 minutes west of MIA airport/Miami, FL)

HOTEL INFORMATION email for needs: / / or


Tournament Participant Fee- $200 per Novice/Español team, $250 per Varsity Team(Teams traveling internationally, as well as UDL teams qualify for their fees to be subsidized or waived entirely. Please contact the tournament chair for more information)

Teams that register and pay before October will receive a discount.

Schools who attended last years inaugural tournament are eligible to have their first team entry fee waived

Fees include entry, Friday's dinner, and Saturday's Breakfast (Thursday we will have Pizza for sale)

Teams will be waitlisted until approved by host


January 30, Thursday

3:30 pm Roll Call

3:45 pm Motion drop

4:45 pm Round 1 Impromptu

6:30 pm Round 2 Prepared

7:30 pm Dinner

8:30 pm Round 3 Prepared

January 31, Friday

3:30 pm Roll Call

3:45 pm Motion drop

4:45 pm Round 4 Impromptu

6:30 pm Round 5 Prepared

7:30 pm Cultural Exchange party and Latin Heritage Night (Salsa Dancing, DJ, Cuisine from different Latin American countries)

February 1 @ University of Miami, hosted by UM Debate

8 am Varsity Quarters Impromptu Motion Drop / Spanish Semis / Novice Semis

9:00 am Varsity Quarters Impromptu

10:30 am Varsity Semis Prepared

11:45 am Spanish Finals Prepared / Novice Finals Prepared

1:30 pm Varsity Finals Prepared