Hendrickson TFATOC

2024 — Pflugerville, TX/US


We would like to welcome you to the Hendrickson TFA Tournament. The tournament will take place IN PERSON at Hendrickson High School on Friday, August 30 and Saturday, August 31. This is our team's 21st anniversary, and we are very excited to continue to provide high-quality judging, a phenomenal hospitality suite, and a positive educational experience for your students.

We will offer the full set of events in IEs and Debate (including World Schools), including novice divisions of extemp, LD, and Policy Debate. Additionally, this tournament is a Kentucky TOC and NIETOC bid for all IE events and extemp. Please take special note of the particulars of the schedule and format, as it is very different from previous years.

For the purpose of this tournament, a Novice is considered someone in their first year of high school competition. We also offer scaffolded Novice Extemp and require the NDCA Novice CX Packet for all of our novice CX rounds (click on "Topics" on the right side for more information). We WILL NOT break brackets in debate.

Your school must have a school employee to be available for all tournament times/rounds to judge and provide support for the tournament when needed. This individual is required to be in the judging pool. For more information on this, click "Judging Rules" on the right side.

We look forward to providing an exciting educational experience for all.

Vada Janak
Director, Hendrickson Speech & Debate