Hendrickson TFATOC

2024 — Pflugerville, TX/US

Bid Information

As per the new standards for IE bids at the Debate TOC, Kentucky TOC bids will be awarded as follows:

All varsity-level Speech tournaments are eligible to receive bids in events offered by the Tournament of Champions, so long as they meet the following criteria and submit their UKTOC bid report via Tabroom no later than March 1, 2024:

  • Champion (1 Bid) - Minimum 8 Entries / 3 Schools / 3 PrelimsANDFinals
  • Top 3 (Up to 3 Bids) - Minimum 16 Entries / 4 Schools / 3 PrelimsANDFinals
  • Finals (Up to 6 Bids) - Minimum 30 Entries / 5 Schools / 3 PrelimsANDSemifinals + Finals
  • Semifinals (Up to 12 Bids) - Minimum 60 Entries / 10 Schools / 4 PrelimsANDQuarterfinals Onward
  • Quarterfinals (Up to 24 Bids) - Minimum of 120 Entries / 10 Schools / 4 PrelimsANDOctofinals Onward

Note: A bid in Prose OR Poetry counts toward qualification in Oral Interpretation

As per the standards for NIETOC bids, NIETOC bids will be awarded as follows:

0-19 contestants = FIRST PLACE BID
20-34 contestants = FIRST, SECOND & THIRD PLACE BIDS
35-50 contestants = FINAL ROUND BIDS
51-70 contestants = SEMIFINAL ROUND BIDS
71-99 contestants = QUARTERFINAL ROUND BIDS
100 + contestants = OCTAFINAL ROUND BIDS

Please note that bid level qualification is determined by the total number of contestants that compete in the event as opposed to the total number that register for the event. Duet Acting and Duo Interpretation are team events, therefore each team member counts towards the total competing in the event. Extemp bids can be offered to separate divisions or to a single combined division. In either situation, the total number of contestants will determine the bid level.