Hendrickson TFATOC

2024 — Pflugerville, TX/US


Hendrickson TFA Schedule 2024

Debate TOC AND NIETOC bids for all IE and extemp events

IE events (excluding extemp) will be handled as follows: Three prelim rounds will be scheduled for all competitors.

Students will only be allowed to do 2 events in section A (including extemp) and no more than 3 events in section B. Debaters can NOT cross enter in extemp or section B (with the exception of Congress).

Students who cross enter do so at their own risk. Judges will be informed of cross entry on their ballot, but if a student fails to appear within 15 minutes of the final speaker, they may "no show" the student.

Google doc view

Friday, August 30th

5:00 Extemp Draw 1

5:30 Extemp Prelim 1


NCX/CX Round 1

World Schools Round 1 (Startups topic)

6:00 Congress Prelims (6-9pm)

6:45 World Schools Round 2 (Startups topic, opposite side)

7:30 LD/PF/NLD/NPF Round 2

NCX/CX Round 2

8:30 World Schools Round 3 (Foreign Aid topic)

9:00 Extemp Draw 2

9:30 Extemp Prelim 2

Saturday, August 31st

7:30 Extemp Draw 3

8:00 Extemp Prelim 3

IE Section A Prelim 1 (OO, Info, Duo, HI)

9:00 LD/PF/NLD/NPF Round 3

NCX/CX Round 3

9:30 IE Section A Prelim 2 (OO, Info, Duo, HI)

10:00 Extemp Draw Semis

World Schools Impromptu Prep

10:30 Extemp Semis

11:00 IE Section B Prelim 1 (PO, PR, Duet, DI, POI)


NCX/CX Round 4

World Schools Round 4 (Impromptu)

12:30 IE Section B Prelim 2 (PO, PR, Duet, DI, POI)

1:30 LD/PF/CX Quarters NLD/NCX/NPF Semis

World Schools Finals (Two-Party System topic)

Congress Finals (1:30-3:30)

3:30 IE Section A Prelim 3 (OO, Info, Duo, HI)

4:00 Extemp Draw Finals

4:30 Extemp Finals

IE Section B Prelim 3 (PO, PR, Duet, DI, POI)

LD/PF Semis NLD/NPF Finals

CX Semis/NCX Finals

6:30 IE Section A Finals (OO, Info, Duo, HI)

7:00 IE Section B Finals (PO, PR, Duet, DI, POI)

LD/PF/CX Finals