Clash Valley 3 The Good The Clash and The Valley

2024 — Millville, UT/US

Clash Valley 3: The Good, The Clash, and the Valley

Benefiting the Cache Valley Food Pantry

Ridgeline High School would like to invite you to the Third Clash Valley Speech and Debate Tournament.

This tournament will benefit the Cache Valley Food Pantry. We will be removing entrance fees for students and schools. In lieu of fees, we encourage students to bring non-perishable food items for the Cache Valley Food Pantry. The school that brings the most food will receive a prize.

Location: Ridgeline High School, 180 N 300 W, Millville UT.

Divisions: We offer open divisions for every event offered at State. We will offer awards for the top novice competitor in each event. This tournament will comprise four rounds.


-Policy Debate

-Public Forum



-National Extemp

-Foreign Extemp

-Original Oratory


-Combined Interps (HI/DI/POI)


-Debate Deathmatch

-Speech Showdown

The Debate Deathmatch: The Debate Deathmatch will be a special event in which individual students enter one round of four different debate events:

  • LD

  • SuperFight Impromptu Debate (an event in which students will draw a character and three traits and say why that character would win in a fight against their opponent)

  • Maverick BQ

  • Extemporaneous debate.

The winner of this event will win a championship ring.

Speech Showdown: The Speech Showdown will be a special event in which individual students enter in four speech events over the four rounds of the tournament. The four events will be:

  • Prepared speech (Oratory/Informative)

  • Extemp

  • Impromptu

  • Pitchstorm (An event in which students will pitch a movie idea on the spot and respond to feedback).

The winner of this event will win a championship ring.

Double Entry –Students entered in debate events, congress, deathmatch or extemp events may NOT double enter. Students entered in speech events may double enter at their own risk. NO TRIPLE ENTERING.

Congress – The docket and Orders of the Day will be sent out a few weeks previous to the tournament. At least one bill will be themed as part of the tournament. This bill will have no authorship.

Public Forum – November/December Topic

Lincoln-Douglas – November/December Topic

Policy - Resolved: The United States Federal Government should significantly strengthen its protection of domestic intellectual property rights in copyrights, patents and/or trademarks

Awards – Belt Buckles for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in every event, sweepstakes, Top Novice. Championship Belts for sweeps and the school that brings the most food donations. Rings and belt buckles for top competitors in Speech Showdown and Debate Deathmatch.

Judges - One judge is required for every 5 entries of portion thereof, in individual events and congress. One judge is required for every 3 teams of portion thereof in Public Forum and Lincoln-Douglas. One judge is needed for every 2 teams or portion thereof in Policy. If you bring Policy teams, bring judges who know what they are doing. If you do not bring judges, you will be fined or teams will be dropped.

Fees - None. Instead of fees, please encourage your students to bring non-perishable food for the Cache Valley Food Bank.

Food - We will provide lunch and snacks for coaches and judges. Students may be able to buy concessions.

Entry Limits - Entries will be limited to 6 in each event. EXTRA ENTRIES MUST BE APPROVED OR THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!

Schedule is as follows:

Registration: 8:00-8:30

Judges Meeting/

Policy Round 1/

Extemp Draw 8:30

Congress: 9:30-12:00 Session #1

12:00-12:30 BREAK

12:30-3:00 Session #2

All other events: 9:00-10:30 Round #1

10:30-12:00 Round #2

12:00-1:30 Round #3

1:30-3:00 Round #4

Awards 4:00 (Most likely later)

Lunch will be at 12:00 for coaches and judges.