The Lab Debate December Scrimmage

2024 — Online, US

THIS TOURNAMENT IS FREE. please make sure that all participants have a Discord account. Any other questions?
Email: AND

The judging pool will include high-level varsity debaters and adults.


This tournament is available to anyone regardless of age and location who wishes to compete in Policy.

At no cost, all of our resources/tournaments/scrimmages are free!

If you can't register on Tabroom, email us at & provide the email associated with your Tabroom account.

The only round will take place on Discord, at 6 CST.

It is 10 minutes of prep!


No judge requirement when signing up, we offer judges who have lots of experience. [But we will accept judges from schools]

The Discord link will be given at least a week before the tournament.


Useful links:

General Discord (not for tournament):

Instagram: @thelabdebate

TikTok: @thelabdebate

YouTube: @thelabdebate

Tournament Discord coming soon...