Harvard College World Schools Invitational

2018 — Cambridge, MA/US
We're very excited to announce that our CA Team has finalized the prepared motions for the 2018 Harvard College World Schools Invitational! 


Motions -- 


Round 1: The 'Fairness Doctrine' requires that broadcasters present contrasting views when discussing controversial issues of public importance. 


This house believes that countries should require broadcasters to follow the "Fairness Doctrine"


Round 3: This house believes that countries should recognise the “right to be forgotten”


Round 5: This house regrets the rise of the "gig economy." 


Round 7: This house would cease drilling for oil in the Arctic. 


Quarters: This house believes that a nationalized social credit system would benefit the people of China.


Finals: This house would require detailed and binding prenuptial agreements for all marriages and civil unions.


Rounds will be power-paired, as they were last year.

Motions are also available on our website: 