Dardanelle Sand Lizard Classic

2018 — Dardanelle, AR/US


2018 — Dardanelle, AR/US

TIMES HAVE BEEN MOVED TO ACCOMMODATE OUR GUESTS THAT WILL BE DRIVING BACK AND FORTH FROM LONG DISTANCES!!!  All Saturday morning events (except for congress…session 1 starts at 9am) will not begin till 9:30am.

January  12th- 13th , 2017

Dardanelle High School

1079 North State, Highway 28

Dardanelle, AR 72834

Phone (479) 229-4655 | Fax (479) 229-4687

ERIC GAMBLE (CELL: 479-857-9297) eric.gamble@dardanellelizards.com 



The Dardanelle High School Sand Lizards are pleased to invite you to the 2017 DHS Sandbox Speech and Debate Tournament on Friday, January 12th and Saturday, January 13th, 2017.


In the following packet you will find a schedule of events, tournament expectations and a listing of local hotels.


Sweepstakes will be made available to the top three schools in both large and small school divisions. It should be noted that this is not a Junior High Invitational.



The deadline for entries is Monday, January 5 th, 2017  by 6:00 p.m. If you need assistance completing your entry, please contact eric.gamble@dardanellelizards.com  We would appreciate any school that is planning to attend let us know before the Christmas break so that we know how many people to plan for.


You must provide one qualified judge for every ten individual event entries and one qualified judge for every two debate teams.  A $10 judge fee will be assessed for uncovered entries to pay hired judges for last minute changes/uncovered rounds and will be enforced.



Instead of offering multiple events at a single time and having the students rush from room to room. We will be holding three rounds OF THE SAME event simultaneously. The students will be placed in a speaking order that will have most of them as one of the first speakers in their first room, among the middle speakers in their second room and among the last speakers in their third room.


We are expecting people to look at their speaker number in each room and try their best to get to the rooms in the appropriate order. We are hopeful that this method will allow us to offer multiple preliminary rounds for each event while still keeping the tournament on schedule. We will be capping entries into each event at 32 and they will be filled on a first come and first serve basis. We will reserve several spots to keep the pool diverse enough to reach qualifying status however.

·         Rounds will be scheduled for two hours

·         We will limit each round to 10 competitors

·         Each room will be within a 1-2 minute walking distance from each other


Student Congress


We will be taking bill submissions for our Student Congress competition.  Bills are due by Monday, January 8th  , 2017 at 6:00 p.m. Bill submissions must follow NSDA format and should be submitted to eric.gamble@dardanellelizards.com  The NSDA bill template can be found here. Multiple bill submissions are allowed however they must be sent in priority order and the first two from each school are given precedence before additional bills will be added to the schedule.  Students may enter student congress as a consolation event on Saturday for $10.00 at the door.   


Debate Events


Novice IPDA: (32 competitor Limit)

Varsity IPDA: (32 competitor Limit)

Varsity Forum Debate: (PF limited to 16 teams)

Novice Forum Debate: (PF limited to 16 teams)

Congress Debate: Houses are capped at 20 students per house


Individual Events


All NSDA event rules must be followed. Please consult NSDA event standards and rules carefully.


Some  NSDA will occur on Friday.


ACTAA Events (Oratory, POI, Duo, Prose, Poetry) will occur on Saturday Morning.


Each round will receive three prelims and advance to appropriate elimination round.  




Schools are expected to bring the appropriate number of judges to fulfill judging commitments. We reserve the right to limit entries or assess fees if commitments are not fulfilled.


You must provide a cell number for every judge entered. Please be very clear about judge availability.

High school graduates of any age may judge any event, however we expect program directors to make informed discretion about judge qualifications. It is the responsibility of all coaches to ensure that all forensics judges are familiar with NSDA event rules and guidelines.


Double Entry

We have tried our hardest to offer a unique opportunity that gives the student as much flexibility as possible.


However,  IPDA/PF debaters will be held to the time standard for each event. They must make their debate round and each of the three preliminary IE rounds if double entered.(IE judges will stay in the room for a two hour period)  Any student signed up for Congress must understand that they have to use the appropriate parliamentary procedure to be excused from their session and will not be able to make up time while double entered.


Multiple entries are encouraged. The schedule is made in such a way that it is possible to enter every NSDA event and all ACTAA events with very minimal overlap.


There may be conflicts during the outrounds.  Every effort will be made to make sure advancing students have the opportunity to compete in their outrounds.





·         Trophies will be given to all semi-finalists in  Varsity PF, Varsity IPDA. Novice PF, Novice IPDA and LD.

·         Trophies will be given to top THREE FINISHERS in STUDENT CONGRESS.

·         Medals and Certificates will be given to quarterfinalists in any debate category and 4th-10th of those that reach the Super Session of Student Congress.


Debate Speaker Awards

·         Trophies will be awarded to Speakers 1st – 3rd in Varsity PF, Varsity IPDA. Novice PF, Novice IPDA and LD.    (CONGRESS TOP SPEAKER : Speaker with most accumulated points)

·         Medals and Certificates will be awarded to Speakers 4th – 6th in Parsity PF, Varsity IPDA. Novice PF, Novice IPDA


Individual Events:

·         Trophies will be awarded to 1st - 3rd in Prose, Poetry, Informative, Original Oratory, Duo, HI and DI.

·         Medals and Certificates will be awarded to 4th-6th in Prose, Poetry, Informative, Original Oratory, Duo, HI and DI.

·         Special Recognition and Medal/Certificate will be awarded to  the overall points leader in all IE’s combined.


·         1st – 3rd




Public Forum Debate: $20.00 per team

IPDA Debate: $15.00 per debater

Duo: $20.00 per team

Individual Events: $10.00 per event

School Fee: $25.00  Conducting 3 prelims in Individual events necessitates the assessment of a $25.00 school entry fee.

Please consult the schedule carefully!!! We look forward to seeing all of you at our tournament! Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.  

Schedule of Events

Subject to change—please consult JoT frequently

High School Debate Events


Public Forum


Friday, January 13th, 2017


4:00-4:45 Round 1

5:30-6:15 Round 2

7:00-7:45  Round 3

8:00-8:45 Semi’s

9:00-9:45 Finals




Friday, January  13th , 2017

4:00-4:30  Draw and Prep

4:30-5:00 Round 1

6:00-6:30 Draw and Prep

6:30-7:00 Round 2

8:00-8:30 Draw and Prep

8:30-9:00 Round 3



4:30-5:00  Draw and Prep

5:00-5:30 Round 1

6:30-7:00 Draw and Prep

7:00-7:30 Round 2

8:30-9:00 Draw and Prep

9:00-9:30 Round 3





Saturday, January  14th , 2017


10:00-10:30 Draw and Prep

10:30-11:00 Flight A Octa / Flight B Draw

11:00-11:30 Flight B Octa


11:30-12:00 Draw and Prep

12:00-12:30 Quarters


1:00-1:30 Draw and Prep

1:30-2:00 Semi-Finals

2:30 – 3:00 Draw and Prep

3:00-3:30 Finals


High School Pattern A (HI, DI, POI,)


Friday, January  13th , 2015

4:00-6:00 3 Rounds of POI

6:00-8:00  3 Rounds of HI

8:00-10:00 3 Rounds of DI


Saturday, January  16th , 2015

10:00-11:00 OO Semi Finals

11:30- 12:30 HI Semi Finals

12:30- 1:30 DI Semi Finals


1:30-2:30 Duo Semifinals


3:00-4:00   DUO Finals


3:00-4:00  POI Finals



High School Pattern B (PO, PR, DUO, OO)


Saturday, January  14th , 2015


9:30-11:30 3 Rounds of Poetry

9:30—11:30 3 Rounds of Prose


11:30-1:30 3 rounds of DUO

11:30-1:30 3 Rounds of Oratory


1:45-3:00 Poetry Semi-Finals

 3:30-4:30  PO, PRO, DUO AND OO FINALS