Cypress Freeze TFA NIETOC Swing at Jersey Village

2023 — Houston, TX/US

Debate Topics and Congress Information


CX Debate:

Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase fiscal redistribution in the United States by adopting a federal jobs guarantee, expanding Social Security, and/or providing a basic income.

LD Debate (Including Novice):

Resolved: The United States ought to prohibit the extraction of fossil fuels from federal public lands and waters.

PF Debate (Including Novice):

Resolved: The United States federal government should forgive all federal student loan debt.

Prep time for CX is 8 minutes. Prep time for LD is 4 minutes. Prep time for PF is 3 minutes. We will use NSDA pilot rules for PF.

Brackets will NOT be broken in debate.


We will use the TFA 2023 Fall Legislation to be debated in each session is listed below. The items may be reordered as established by each chamber. Copies of the legislation can be found on the TFA website at Procedures for advancing and tie-breakers can be found in the TFA constitution.

Falcon (Friday)

Prelims - 4,3,1,2,5

Finals - 14,15,12,11,13

Mustang (Saturday)

Prelims - 11,13,12,15,14

Finals - 5,3,2,4,1

WSD Motions

Round 1: This house supports the right to secession.

Round 2: This house supports the right to secession. (FLIPPED)

Round 3: Impromptu

Round 4: This house, as the United States, would build a military base in Palau. |

Quarters: Impromptu

Semis: This house supports the increased use of nuclear power to combat climate change.

Finals: Impromptu