Panther Invitational

2020 — Wright, WY/US


Abbreviation HI
Format Speech
Entry Fee $9.00
Entry Limit Per School 6
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Presentation is to be from memory without the use of physical objects or costume. No manuscripts or notes are allowed. Selections must be from printed published material. Monologues are acceptable. During the presentation, the contestant must name the author and source from which the cutting was taken. Please verify the contestant code and last name on the ballot, and indicate the round number at the top of the ballot. The presentation must not be less than 5 minutes, nor greater than 10 minutes, with a 30-second grace period either way. There will be no hand signals to the contestants.

Considerations: Is the material suitable for the contest? The use of good literature should be noted favorably. What was the delivery like by the contestant? Did they interpret characters correctly and consistently? Was the delivery believable?