Panther Invitational

2020 — Wright, WY/US

Lincoln Douglas

Abbreviation LD
Format Debate
NSDA LD March-April
Resolved: Predictive policing is unjust
Entry Fee $9.00
Entry Limit Per School 6
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Lincoln Douglas debate is a values-focused debate. Neither side is permitted to present a plan, but they should offer sound reasoning to support a general principal (for or against the resolution). Debaters will offer generalized, practical examples or solutions to illustrate how the general principle (value) could guide decisions. In Lincoln Douglas Debates, the better debater will be the one who, on the whole, proves their side of the resolution more valid as a general principle. The burden of proof, the burden of clash, and the resolutional burden is equal to both sides.

Debaters should present a framework for their case which will provide an interpretation of the central focus of the resolution, and provide a method to judge to evaluate the central questions of the resolutions. There should be definitions offered in the framework, as well as the value and criterion. The criterion will explain how the value is achieved, along with evaluating the importance of an argument in the context of the round.

The debaters should use logical reasoning and provide evidence (also known as cards). Cross-examination should clarify and/or advance arguments in the round. A decision by the judge should not be based on personal bias or partiality. New arguments should not be presented in the rebuttals, although new evidence can be presented in the rebuttals if they are answering previously mentioned arguments of the opposition.