Red Rock Classic

2020 — NSDA Campus, UT/US

Student Congress

Abbreviation SC
Format Congress
Entry Fee $4.00
Overall Entry Limit 100
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

For convenience in the virtual environment, the docket has been set ahead of time. Docket (Bills/Resolutions in the order in which they should be debated). Legislation (Each Bill/Resolution in full). Please note that Maximum Cost of College Attendance (#4 in Session 1) is amended to the 2021-22 school year.

Students elect a chair; this should take no longer than 10 minutes. The chair presides over the round, keeping track of time and speaking order.

Judging Criteria (from NSDA): ORIGINALITY OF THOUGHT (extent to which speech advances debate or merely repeats previously stated ideas; whether speaker refutes opposing arguments); ORGANIZATION AND UNITY (while speeches that respond to other arguments advanced in the session are often spontaneous and extemporaneous, the speaker should attempt cohesiveness); EVIDENCE AND LOGIC (cites credible sources and warrants claims accordingly); DELIVERY (extemporaneous vs. reading a manuscript, seriousness of purpose, style and poise). How well the speaker ANSWERS QUESTIONS for each speech should be considered.

TIMES: 3 minute speeches. Questioning after first Aff and Neg speeches are 2 minutes. After that, all questioning periods are 1 minute.