The Toppenish Talkathon

2024 — Toppenish, WA/US

Open Lincoln Douglas

Abbreviation OLD
Format Debate
Resolved: The United States ought to substantially reduce its military presence in the West Asia-North Africa region
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry Teams of between 1 and 120 competitors

Event Description:

Lincoln-Douglas Debate
1. Resolution: Resolved: The United States ought to substantially reduce its military presence in the West Asia-North Africa region.
2. Entries: Each contestant will debate both sides. No substitution is permitted once the tournament has begun.
3. Order of Speeches:
Affirmative Constructive 6 minutes
Negative Cross Examination 3 minutes
Negative Constructive 7 minutes
Affirmative Cross Examination 3 minutes
Affirmative Rebuttal 4 minutes
Negative Rebuttal 6 minutes
Affirmative Rebuttal 3 minutes
Prep Time 4 minutes per debater
4. Timing: A timekeeper is an option but isn’t required. If no timekeeper is used, debaters may time for their opponent
or the judge may keep time. Prep time for each debater is four minutes.
5. Use of Electronic Devices: The use of internet-enabled devices and internet is permitted at the National Tournament.
The use of internet-enabled devices and internet at the qualifying tournament will be the autonomous decision of
each district. Laptop use must comply with the “Guidelines for Use of Internet-Enabled Devices in Debate Events.”