Falcon First

2024 — Clearfield, UT/US

Spontaneous Argumentation

Abbreviation SpAr
Format Debate
Entry Fee $4.00
Overall Entry Limit 40
Entry Limit Per School 6
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

This debate event will be flighted, as rounds will run just under 20 minutes, each. Topics, after round 1, will trend towards more realistic topics, rather than the traditional "Marvel Vs DC," or "Cake > nonsense." As a debate, you cannot double-enter (sorry!). Despite the timeframe, it'd just be too many hands/cookie-jars to keep everyone happy.

Times are amended as follows:

2 mins mandatory prep for all participants, following announcement of topic.

3 mins Affirmative Constructive

3 mins NC

3 mins Cross - Examination (grand)

2 mins Affirmative Rebuttal

2 mins NR

1 min Aff Final Focus

1 min NFF