Castle Classic NIETOC Bid at Greeley Central HS

2024 — Greeley, CO/US

Duo Interp (Black Wave B)

Abbreviation DUO
Format Speech
Entry Fee $22.00
Entry Limit Per School 5
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Duo Interpretation Rules:

A. The oral interper recreates and shares a selection of material from printed, published source(s) that has (have) literary merit.

B. There is no minimum time but the speaker may not exceed 10 minutes. After a 30-second grace period and an audible STOP, the judge will rank the speaker last, provided all timing rules were followed.

C. Deletions of words from the original may be made, but words may be added only for transitional purposes.

D. The interper must provide an introduction that adequately identifies the title and author of the source(s).

E. During the introduction and throughout the performance, the interper may use vocal, facial, and bodily expression as long as he/she does not detract from the meaning of the material.

F. Singing is allowed.

G. No props or costumes are allowed (A prop is any item that is handled or carried by the competitor. For example: touching and using a real watch during the presentation would be considered using the watch as a prop; however, a competitor who touches his/her hair is not using a prop.

H. Scripts are optional.

I. Each speaker must portray one or more characters during the presentation.

J. Narration may be presented by one or both speakers.

K. The speakers may not look at one another or make contact with each other in any way, except during the introduction.

L. Either may pivot from side-to-side or turn around, change places, stand with one behind the other, or otherwise move and suggest changes in relationships.

M. Material may be humorous, serious, or both.