Castle Classic NIETOC Bid at Greeley Central HS

2024 — Greeley, CO/US

Original Oratory (Black Wave B)

Abbreviation OO
Format Speech
Entry Fee $11.00
Entry Limit Per School 5
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Original Oratory Rules:

A. The competitor presents a memorized oration composed by him/herself and not used during a previous Regional Qualifying or State Tournament. A student may not use the same speech or topic in Informative Speaking and Original Oratory.

B. An oratory is an original speech designed to persuade. The general purpose of the speech is to persuade/convince the audience. Any other purpose such as to inform or to entertain shall be secondary.

C. An orator holding a manuscript or notes will be ranked last.

D. The orator must be truthful. Any non-factual reference, especially a personal one, must be so identified.

E. There is no minimum time but the speaker may not exceed 10 minutes. After a 30-second grace period and an audible STOP, the judge will rank the speaker last, provided all timing rules in 1J were followed.

F. No props or visual aids may be used in Original Oratory.