Rogue Valley Invitational at Crater High School Fall 2024

2024 — Central Point, OR/US

SpAr Debate

Abbreviation SPAR
Format Speech
Entry Fee $8.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

SpAr Debate, or Spontaneous Argument, is an impromptu style of debate. Students compete as individuals. They will be assigned affirmation and negation, and each round will be triple flighted. Each affirmative speaker will be given two topics, one serious and one humorous. They will eliminate one, and the remaining topic will be debated. We will use the following order of debate in SpAr:

Mandatory Prep Time (1 minute)

Affirmative constructive case (2 minutes)

Cross examination (1 minute): The negative debater asks the affirmative debater questions.

Negative constructive case (2 minutes)

Cross examination (1 minute): The affirmative debater asks the negative debater questions.

Mandatory prep time (1 minute): Both debaters have one minute to prepare for rebuttal arguments.

Affirmative rebuttal (2 minutes): The affirmative debater refutes the negative debater's case and reinforces their own case.

Negative rebuttal (2 minutes): The negative debater refutes the affirmative debater's case reinforces their own case.

Mandatory prep time (1 minute): Both debaters have one minute to prepare for summary arguments.

Affirmative summary (1 minute): The affirmative debater explains why the judge should vote in their favor.

Negative summary (1 minute): The negative debater explains why the judge should vote in their favor.

After listening to all six speakers, rank 1-6 with 1 being the best speaker.