Rogue Valley Invitational at Crater High School Fall 2024

2024 — Central Point, OR/US

Impromptu Inform

Abbreviation II
Format Speech
Entry Fee $8.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Impromptu Inform

*This is an event created specifically for this tournament.

Start Round:

One speaker at a time, in order of ballot or judge choice, will go to the front of the room.

The judge will hand the speaker a pre-made board that is double-sided.

The student will review the board and mentally prepare a speech for up to one minute. No outside resources, technology, scripts, materials or people may be used during preparation.


After one minute of preparation, the student will begin speaking.

The student will use one or both sides of the board to guide the speech. The board must be a reference point. The student may not use other visuals during the speech.

The topic and direction of the speech is up to the student, but the speech must be explanatory or informative-- it cannot be a narrative or interpretation of literature. The speech must be original.

Maximum speaking time is five minutes with a 30-second grace period.

No other student will use the same board in the round.


Consider these factors when scoring this event:

  • Rules of Impromptu Inform
  • Poise
  • Word Choice
  • Speaking Style
  • Connection with Audience
  • Creativity
  • Original Thought
  • Organization
  • Movement and Gesturing