Rogue Valley Invitational at Crater High School Fall 2024

2024 — Central Point, OR/US

Novice Lincoln Douglas

Abbreviation NLD
Format Debate
NSDA LD Sept/Oct Novice
Resolved: In the United States, national service ought to be mandatory.
Entry Fee $10.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:


Resolved: In the United States, national service ought to be mandatory.

13.4. Value Lincoln-Douglas Debate.
13.4.1. Team. In this debate form, there is only one speaker to a team. A speaker in this contest must be prepared
to debate both sides of the resolution.
13.4.2. Other events. A Value Lincoln-Douglas Debater may participate in up to two other Individual Events but
may not enter another Debate event.
13.4.3. Length and order of speeches.
Six Minutes Affirmative Constructive Speech
Three Minutes Negative Questions Affirmative
Seven Minutes Negative Constructive Speech
Three Minutes Affirmative Questions Negative
Four Minutes Affirmative Rebuttal
Six Minutes Negative Rebuttal
Three Minutes Affirmative Rebuttal
13.4.4. Preparation Time. Each Debater shall be allowed a maximum of four minutes preparation time to be used
at their discretion.

12. General Debate Rules. (Except for Congressional Debate)

12.10. Critiques. Judges may not provide oral critiques. All critiques including specific comments about the round and
general comments about debate strategies and philosophies shall be written on the ballot. A description of the judge’s
paradigm by the judge prior to the round shall not be considered an oral critique.
12.11. Disclosure. Except on the ballot, judges shall not disclose the outcome of a round with the participants in the round.
Further, judges shall not discuss the performance of students they have judged with those students at any time during
the tournament.
12.12. Guidelines for Electronic Device Use.
12.12.1. Computers or other electronic devices may not be used to receive information from any source (coaches
or assistant coaches included) inside or outside of the room in which the competition occurs. Internet
access, use of email, instant messaging, or other means of receiving information from sources inside or
outside the competition room are prohibited. (This does not prohibit non-electronic communication
between debate partners during prep time.)
12.12.2. Penalty. Contestants found to have violated provision 12.12.1 will forfeit the round of competition.
Contestants found to have violated provision 12.12.4 will be disqualified from the tournament and will
forfeit all rounds. The tournament director shall make the final decision concerning disqualification.
12.12.3. Availability of Evidence. Contestants electing to use computers have the responsibility to promptly
provide a copy of any evidence read in a speech for inspection by the judge or opponent. Printers may be
used. Evidence may be printed in the round or produced electronically but must be provided in a format
readable by the opposing team and the judge.
12.12.4. Contestants electing to use computers are responsible for providing their own computers, batteries,
extension cords, and all other necessary accessories. Tournament hosts will not be responsible for
providing computers, printers, software, paper, or extension cords for contestants.
12.12.5. Because public speaking decorum remains an important element of debate, all debaters are expected to
stand at the front of the room facing the judge while speaking.
12.12.6. Contestants choosing to use computers and related equipment accept the risk of equipment failure.
Judges and/or contest directors will give no special consideration or accommodation, including no
additional speech time or prep time, should equipment failure occur.
12.12.7. By choosing to use computers in the round, debaters are consenting to give tournament officials the right
to search their files. Debaters who do not wish to consent should not use computers in the round.