Grantsville Round Up

2024 — Grantsville, UT/US


Abbreviation SPAR
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Overall Entry Limit 20
Entry Limit Per School 5
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

PLEASE use the indicated round topics.

Students can use the internet, but it is NOT recommended. SPAR stands for Spontaneous Argumentation and should be debated and adjudicated in this manner. A student can use the internet to find evidence, but their opponent should not be docked for not providing citations in rebuttal. There just is not time and evidence goes beyond the scope of SPAR.

You can leave and save comments for each individual separately and then comments to team as a whole. Please make sure to leave something. You should enter your decision first and then you can update or put in comments later if needed or type as you go.

Students will occasionally ask for time signals, it is up to you whether or not you would like to honor that request. Time signals are a simple system that let competitors know how much time they have used throughout the speech. The most common time signals are to alert the student when they have two minutes remaining by holding two of your fingers in the air, like a peace sign, and to alert them when they have one minute remaining by holding one finger in the air.

In speech, it is common for competitors to enter in more than one event for the tournament, this is called being cross-entered. Student’s who are cross-entered should be allowed to speak earlier in the round if they have another event to go to, and should be excused for entering the round late if they were competing in a different event in the same round.

At the end of the round, the judge will evaluate the speakers and rate them on a scale from one to six, with the best performance receiving the one ranking. After the rankings are complete, judges should return their ballots to the tournament organizer if on paper. Enter results/rankings ASAP and then go back to leave further comments for the competitors if online.

Students will work out who is going pro or con and deciding the topic. (usually a flip and one decides which they'd like to choose). Then they will have one minute to prepare their arguments.

1 min. Prep

2 min. Affirmative Constructive

2 min. Negative Constructive

3 min. Cross Examination

1 min. Affirmative Rebuttal

1 min. Negative Rebuttal