Bishop Kelley Comet Challenge

2024 — Tulsa, OK/US

5A Informative

Abbreviation 5INFO
Format Speech
Entry Fee $4.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Informative Ballot

Informative Speaking
*1. The Informative is a speech that may be on any subject the student chooses and should inform rather than persuade.
It must be written by the student, although the teacher may offer suggestions as to organization, content, style, etc.,
and must be memorized. Use of script is not permissible.
*2. No more than 150 words may be quoted directly. Extensive paraphrasing violates the spirit of the event. Plagiarism
is defined as claiming, indicating, or implying that the ideas, sentences, or words of another writer are your own. It
includes copying the work of another and presenting it as your own, failing to get away from the language of the
original text when paraphrasing, failing to identify the source of a quotation or paraphrase, and following the work
of another as a guide to ideas and expression that are then presented as your own.
3. The maximum time is not to exceed ten (10) minutes.
*4. Original work from previous years' state or nationals may not be repeated by that student.
*5. All performances must be void of profanity, vulgarity, nudity, obscenity, and hate speech. Use of these may result
in lowered ranking or disqualification by the judges and a protest filed with the tournament director.
*6. Verbal prompting from the audience is not allowed.
*7. A typed, double-spaced copy of the speech delivered must be available. Quoted words must be highlighted and
counted; paraphrases must also be highlighted. At State, a correctly formatted copy of the speech must be submitted.
*8. Visual aids are permitted, except that speakers may not use electronics of any kind (defined as anything that requires
an electrical cord, a battery, or solar power to operate), other humans, or live animals as visual aids. The host school
is not responsible for providing any equipment for the speaker’s use, including chairs, tables, or easels.”